Tired of management theory? Want to learn specific skills to help improve your management performance? Then Manager Tools is the podcast for you! Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, we discuss specific actions for professionals to take to achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives.
No Dropping Dimes - Part 2
30/09/2013The conclusion of our guidance recommending NOT announcing a colleague’s failure without a courtesy notification.
No Dropping Dimes - Part 1
22/09/2013This guidance recommends NOT announcing a colleague’s failure without a courtesy notification.
Direct Internal Passport
14/09/2013This guidance describes how to help directs understand how to work across organizational boundaries.
Coaching Example - Interrupting (Part 3)
09/09/2013The conclusion of our series on how to coach someone to stop interrupting, using the Manager Tools Coaching Model.
Coaching Example - Interrupting (Part 2)
02/09/2013Another cast on our series on how to coach someone to stop interrupting, using the Manager Tools Coaching Model.
Coaching Example - Interrupting (Part 1)
25/08/2013How to coach someone to stop interrupting, using the Manager Tools Coaching Model.
Effective Interviewer Series - Logistics Clarity
19/08/2013Our recommendations on how to communicate about logistics and schedules in advance of bringing a job candidate in for an interview. This cast is a public part of The Effective Interviewer Series of casts, which are a paid product.
First Meeting New Direct Series - Be Timely
11/08/2013This guidance continues our recommendations about topics to cover with new directs, encouraging them to be on time with themselves, their work, and their commitments.
You Did Not Demonstrate - Part 2
04/08/2013The conclusion of our guidance on how to share shortcomings in evaluations like reviews and interviews.
You Did Not Demonstrate - Part 1
29/07/2013This guidance explains how to share shortcomings in evaluations like reviews and interviews.
Career Tools: Dealing With Objections - Part 2
23/07/2013The conclusion of our guidance on how to deal with objections. This Career Tools podcast is included as a special bonus for Manager Tools Listeners.
Career Tools: Dealing With Objections - Part 1
23/07/2013Our guidance on how to deal with objections. This Career Tools podcast is included as a special bonus for Manager Tools Listeners.
Post-Resignation Team Meeting - Part 2
21/07/2013The conclusion of our guidance on how to have a brief meeting with your team immediately after you resign.
Post-Resignation Team Meeting - Part 1
14/07/2013This guidance explains how to have a brief meeting with your team immediately after you resign.
The Collaborative Manager - Chapter 2 - Tell Some To Wait
07/07/2013This guidance recommends asking your assertive communicators to wait to contribute, and to reinforce what you want with feedback.
Ordering Multiple Interviews - Part 2
30/06/2013The conclusion of our recommendations for how to set up the order of interviews you conduct for a day of in-person interviews of a candidate.
Ordering Multiple Interviews - Part 1
23/06/2013Our recommendations for how to set up the order of interviews you conduct for a day of in-person interviews of a candidate. This guidance is part of our Effective Interviewer Series.
Increasing Team Input Strategies Chapter 1 – Measure It
16/06/2013This guidance recommends measuring the input proffered from quieter team members, to increase their contributions and collaboration.
Questions To Ask Candidate References - Part 2
09/06/2013This guidance recommends what questions to ask of a job candidate’s references, if you progress to that stage.