This series of video podcasts is based upon a system for success developed by psychologist, Dr. Bill Crawford, (Ph.D.). The basic premise of this philosophy is that the reason we are less than effective is that the problems in our life trigger the release of certain stress-related chemicals that engage the lower 20% of our brain which is incapable of creative thinking. This results in feelings of stress, frustration, and the desire to either lash out or escape. What makes Dr. Crawford's "Top of the Mind" system unique and powerful is that it shows us how to change the chemical make-up of our body and shift to the upper 80% of our brain where we can access the clarity, confidence, and creativity necessary to bring our best to all aspects of life.
Getting Others To Get It!
08/02/2024"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." ~ George Bernard Shaw (
The Neuroscience of Authenticity
28/01/2024"You don't have to become something that you aren't to become better than you are." ~ Sidney Poitier (
4 Ways of Going Into a Conversation To Maximize Success
22/01/2024The Four Fold Way 1. Show up 2. Pay attention to the meaningful 3. Say your truth without judgement 4. Be open to, but not attached to the outcome ~ Angeles Arrien (
The Neuroscience of Drama
07/01/2024"Drama doesn't just walk into our life. We either invite it, create it, or keep it alive by associating with it." ~ Adapted from Brooke Hampton (
The Art of Being Centered
30/12/2023"When deciding what to do next, we can always ask: Does this thought, emotion, or behavior bring me closer to or take me further away from my center? ~ Adapted from Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D. (
The Best Gift of All
23/12/2023“Often, the best gift isn’t what we buy, but who we are, and what we say and do with those we love.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Breaking the Cycle of Stress
17/12/2023“In order to break the cycle of stress and frustration we must first be aware of the problem and then turn it into the practice field.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The Science of Falling Back Asleep
09/12/2023“Sleep is simply a chemical change in our brain and body (melatonin) - It’s not a place we go, it is a state of being that we fall into.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The Neuroscience of Belief
26/11/2023"Until we consciously choose the beliefs that affect our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, we will be driven by the unconscious, fear-based part of the brain." ~ Bill Crawford (
You Can't Make A Good Deal With A Bad Person
12/11/2023"You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.” ~ Warren Buffet (
The Underlying Cause of How We Feel, Think, & Act
27/10/2023“To find the true cause of how we think and feel, find the ‘sponsoring thought’ that created the interpretation that influenced our experience of life.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Inspiring Trust
21/10/2023“We all know that trust is the foundation for any meaningful conversation and/or relationship… what we often don’t know is the neuroscience required to make this happen.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The News: Are We Being Informed or Inflamed?
07/10/2023“If we consume simply what we are fed with respect to ‘the news,’ we run the risk of being inflamed versus informed.” ~ Bill Crawford (
The 3 Ps to Happiness and Success
03/10/2023"To achieve anything, we must have three things, a clear purpose, a pathway, and the persistence necessary to see it through." ~ Bill Crawford (
The Neuroscience of Difficult People
19/09/2023"Those who are constantly at war with others are seldom at peace with themselves." ~ William Hazlitt (
The Neuroscience of Influence
03/09/2023“In order to be influential with others we must be coming from the best of who we are and reaching for the best of who they are.” ~ Bill Crawford (
What Keeps Us from Being Heard & Understood
29/08/2023"The Key to being heard and understood is to ensure we are engaging their receptive brain versus driving them further into the resistant brain." ~ Bill Crawford (
The Difference between Defending & Being Defensive
12/08/2023"In order to prevent someone from attacking our defense we need to know the difference between defending and being defensive.” ~ Bill Crawford (
Dealing with Intense Anxiety
05/08/2023"Anxiety is a signal that something needs to change…. Suffering is when we don't make the change." ~ Bill Crawford (
The Neuroscience of Exhaustion!
30/07/2023“Until we realize the trust cause of exhaustion, we will be forever trying to change those aspects of life over which we have no control.” ~ Bill Crawford (