Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by
The Evacuation of Dunkirk
19/07/2017 Duración: 27minWith a huge number of British Expeditionary Force troops stranded in one location, a massive evacuation operation was undertaken. While it was considered a success, the costs to the Allies were high. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Battle of France and the Flight to Dunkirk
17/07/2017 Duración: 29minRetellings of the Dunkirk rescue often leave out how the Allied forces got into such a predicament, with a huge part of the British Expeditionary Force stranded. Today, we'll talk about the lead-up to WWII and its relentless progression into France. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
NASA History: Chief Historian Bill Barry on Hugh Dryden
12/07/2017 Duración: 38minThe NASA space program likely wouldn't be what it is today without the work Hugh Dryden did before NASA even existed, and his guidance in its early years. NASA's Chief Historian Bill Barry joins Holly for a talk about Dryden's impressive life. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Catalina de Erauso, the Lieutenant Nun
10/07/2017 Duración: 30minDespite growing up in a convent and coming very close to taking religious vows as a nun, Catalina de Erauso wound up living a life of danger and adventure. A lot of today's episode falls into the general category of "exploits." Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
William Hogarth
05/07/2017 Duración: 35minIn the early 18th century, an engraver-turned-artist made his mark on the art world by producing satirical prints in series that commented on morality and society. And some of his work is used today as a teaching tool. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Unearthed! in July 2017!
03/07/2017 Duración: 32minIt's time for another mid-year edition of Unearthed! The show covers new research and information about the Lions of Tsavo, human taxidermy, a photo of Harriet Tubman, and H.H. Holmes, among others. And of course, there's fresh Ötzi news! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Eastland Disaster
28/06/2017 Duración: 30minThe Eastland disaster was one of the deadliest maritime disasters in American history. And in this particular case, safety regulations actually made things worse. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Roses Through Time
26/06/2017 Duración: 38minHumans have painted roses, written about them, and assigned them symbolic meaning for centuries. But this much-beloved flower predates mankind, and it's a little difficult to track our early relationship with cultivating it. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
A Brief History of Veterinary Medicine
21/06/2017 Duración: 35minAnimals and humans have been living together for centuries, but standardized veterinary care developed over a long period of time in many different places. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Cuyahoga River's Last Fires
19/06/2017 Duración: 29minIn 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio caught fire, not for the first time, but for the last time. This event is often credited with helping pass the Clean Water Act and inspire the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Extinction of the Stephens Island Wren
14/06/2017 Duración: 34minThe extinction of one New Zealand bird species is often attributed to a single cat. While feline predation played a significant role in the end of the Stephens Island wren, the story is actually more complex. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
William Moulton Marston & the Creation of Wonder Woman
12/06/2017 Duración: 43minMost people know Wonder Woman as an embodiment of truth and justice, but don't know much about the comic's earlier years or its creator. Marston lived an unconventional life, and in many ways, Wonder Woman was an expression of that life. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Louis Riel
07/06/2017 Duración: 31minRiel was labeled both a traitor and a hero in his time. His work as a political leader for the Métis Nation in the Red River Rebellion led to the establishment of Manitoba. His involvement in the North-West Rebellion did not have a positive outcome. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Annette Kellerman
05/06/2017 Duración: 33minAustralian Kellerman gets a lot of the credit for developing the women's one-piece bathing suit. But she was also a competitive swimmer, as well as a vaudeville and film star who designed her own mermaid costumes. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Maria Sibylla Merian
31/05/2017 Duración: 28minAs a naturalist illustrator, Maria Sibylla Merian helped dispel many entomological myths and improved the scientific study of insects and plants, and she did it beautifully. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Ladies of Llangollen
29/05/2017 Duración: 32minIn the late 18th century, Sarah Ponsonby and Lady Eleanor Butler, also known as the Ladies of Llangollen, abandoned their life in the upper tiers of Irish society and made a home for themselves in Wales. And they became rather famous in the process. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Scopes Trial
24/05/2017 Duración: 34minThe Scopes Trial, aka the Monkey Trial, played out in Dayton, Tennessee, in the summer of 1925. It all stemmed from a state law prohibiting the teaching of evolution. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Hitler’s Early Rise and the Night of the Long Knives
22/05/2017 Duración: 31minOver the course of several days in 1934, Adolf Hitler, who was at the time the Nazi Party Leader and Reich Chancellor, directed an action which eliminated all of his political enemies and enabled him to declare himself Fuhrer. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
17/05/2017 Duración: 30minWhile he's known primarily as the astronomer who promoted the idea of a heliocentric solar system, Copernicus was also a master mathematician and a doctor. He worked for the church his entire life, and wrote a manuscript on devaluation of currency. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Six Impossible Episodes: Soldiers, Snipers and Spies
15/05/2017 Duración: 32minThis installment of our impossible episodes series features a set of stories that are all about front-line heroism. Most of them are listener requests. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.