Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
How to Heal a Broken Heart - 06.26.18
17/11/2018 Duración: 23minShunyamurti reveals that the sign of an old soul is having a broken heart. There is an anguish that one wishes to heal, but the heartbreak is a terminal wound, and the ego won't accept what is present—the loving embrace of God. The ego must be killed, and the presence of God is the only thing that will fill the heart, but the ego has cut off love because of the wounding, and in surrender and silence the divine heart can begin to speak. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
The Blessing of Hopelessness - 06.04.18
10/11/2018 Duración: 10minShunyamurti explains that the ego's main problem is dis-regulation, which creates hopelessness, which is actually a great blessing because it makes one look for the Self. He goes on to discuss the ego's way of discharging its energy rather than accumulating it into power in order to reach the Self. May you realize the blessing of hopelessness. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
Halloween: Spiritual Origin and Significance - 10.29.18
03/11/2018 Duración: 24minHALLOWEEN SPECIAL: In this special Halloween teaching, Shunyamurti explains the reason for the holiday of Halloween, its spiritual significance, as well as its Celtic origin from the people of "Arya-Land" (aka Ireland), how this holiday is tied into the Vedic Yugas, and how to use this opportunity to bring up and slay the demons that lie hidden in the unconscious and realize the transcendent Self beyond all darkness. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
Yoga: The Shift From Thought to Love - 09.03.18
27/10/2018 Duración: 19minExcerpt: In the recent modern period of history in the West, atheism and materialism gained hegemony, as the paradigm of reality that intelligent people would adopt. And as a result, nihilism and narcissism became the dominant modes of egoic behavior and structure. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
Introducing Quantumplation: Do You Quantumplate Reality? - 06.29.18
20/10/2018 Duración: 56minExcerpt: “Contemplation of the one Self has been the core activity of monks and of Sufi mystics and Taoists and Buddhists and Hindus and alchemists and kabbalists—all the esoteric traditions of the perennial philosophy for thousands of years. And we are continuing that, but we want to update the terminology because an extraordinary emergence within the field of science within the last 100 or so years, which is referred to as ‘quantum physics’, has completely changed the nature of human understanding…” Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
What in the World is Going On? - 09.26.18
13/10/2018 Duración: 44minHave you been asking yourself such questions as these: Why do I keep missing connections with people? Why are lasting love relationships so difficult to establish? Are higher values becoming extinct? Why is there no little compassion and respect for truth? Why are so many people so fragile, brittle, angry, and scattered? Why are governments, corporations, and people all acting so irrationally? Why all the earthquakes and other massive geological shifts? Is all of this part of a larger pattern? Is there a purpose? Is time speeding up? Or is time an illusion? Or both? What is it all leading to? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? How can I accelerate my own inner development to be able to master the challenges ahead? In this spectacular satsang teaching recorded at the Sat Yoga Ashram, Costa Rica, Shunyamurti addresses these questions and so much more. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month + many more offerings of
He’s No JP Sears: Shunyamurti’s Last Stand Up - 08.25.18
09/10/2018 Duración: 23minExcerpt: "You see, I obviously couldn’t make it as a comedian. . . . And what I ended up doing was going into silence. Because you can’t really go wrong if you don’t try to tell a joke. And I could see why it’s very depressing to be a comedian, because nine out of ten of your jokes are going to fail, nobody’s going to laugh at them, and this will feed on your depression to the point where you’ll say, 'OK, I’m inadequate in my ability to make people laugh.' So, when I recognized that that whole reason for people to become comedians was the feeling of inadequacy, then I realized, 'OK, this goes to the very core of the issue with the human ego.'" Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
Quantum Yoga - 01.14.17
20/04/2018 Duración: 22minIn anticipation of Shunyamurti’s upcoming five-day retreat focusing on chaos theory and complexity theory and the connection between science and the transformation of consciousness, we share with you this teaching. Follow this link to download the full transcript of the teaching and learn more about this very special retreat In this teaching, Shunyamurti describes Sat Yoga as a scientific yoga that understands the Real through quantum physics, the Symbolic through semiotics, and the Imaginary through chaos theory, complexity theory (and others), and explains that we must shut down our dependence on the Imaginary and its props.
Can You Solve the Riddle of Existence? - 12.13.16
24/02/2018 Duración: 22minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "The Sat Yogi is consciousness determined to discover the truth about the riddle of existence, the truth about the nature of being, of awareness, of the world process of which consciousness is aware, the truth behind all identifications, the truth of the Self. To discover the truth, the yogi must not presuppose that the truth is already known, must not accept some prefabricated version of truth, but must discover this for oneself." Recorded on the morning of Tuesday, December 13, 2016.
Defeating the Ego - 05.06.15
10/02/2018 Duración: 18minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "The victory of God means the defeat of the ego; the defeat of all egocentric narratives. God does not become victorious through some effort; God is always-already victorious. But that victory is only recognized when the ego’s helplessness, and the futility of establishing the reality of any ego, is recognized. It is at the fall of the ego that the victory of God is realized." Recorded on the morning of Wednesday, May 5, 2015.
Into the Wild - 03.28.16
31/01/2018 Duración: 20minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "... But to return to our wildness we must know who we are, we must reach that level of Truth that is not identified with an I-thought, with a body form, with a limited mortal life span because our wildness is eternal and has nothing to do with the domesticated life of the ego, has no interest in such a substitute for real existence." Recorded on the morning of Monday, March 28, 2016.
How to Develop a Culture of Consciousness
27/01/2018 Duración: 33minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: “The form of social organization known as the ‘ashram’ is ubiquitous in culture in both the modern and the ancient periods in every culture as a manifestation of a school for the science of the transformation of consciousness, and a research laboratory for the practical experimentation with the theoretical principles of such transformation—and the dissemination of that information to the larger culture, and to create a basis for intercultural exchange. In the ancient world, one of the most famous ashrams was that led by Pythagoras…” Recorded on the morning of Sunday, March 8, 2015.
The Real Game of Thrones - 08.13.17
24/01/2018 Duración: 15minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: “Meditation’s purpose is to enable you to sit on the Lotus Throne, the Sri Nalinasana. The Buddhists speak of it very clearly, and yet, indistinctly because they refer to ‘Aum Mani Padme Hum’, the ‘Diamond in the Lotus’. But where is the lotus? What is the location of the Lotus Throne? How do you get there?” Recorded during the August 2017 silent retreat on the morning of Sunday, August 13, 2017.
How to Claim Your Inner Power in a Time of Crisis - 10.28.17
20/01/2018 Duración: 19minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "And so it will be very difficult for you to think your way out of the trap of the ego – and this is why the opening of the heart is so important because it is only the feeling of love that will raise you out of the misery of the ego level of consciousness – and this is why it is so important to recognize that the nature of God begins with that realization of divine love. God is more than love, but God is love – and our own love for God is that level of resonance which invites in all of the power and Presence of that infinite Self that you are." Recorded during the Rainy Season Retreat on the evening of Saturday, October 28, 2017.
The Absolute Cookie Dough - 12.09.15
15/01/2018 Duración: 21minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "One could use the metaphor of an infinite sheet of cookie dough. And there is a cookie cutter that has cut a certain amount of this dough and separated it out—that's the ego. Now, before it's baked it can be put back in, and once it is smoothed out as part of the sheet of cookie dough it loses its identity doesn't it? It's simply the entire infinite sheet of sweetness, but once it's been separated out into a tiny little cookie and baked, it can't be put back; that's ego life. And so because the ego is a cutout, and is a form that has been separated from its own essence and baked into hatred, fear, envy, despair, all of that produced simply by its removal from its Infinite Source, the ego cannot be healed because it is the very cutting off from its infinite essence that is the problem." Record
Santa Claus and the Power of Forgiveness - 06.15.17
16/12/2017 Duración: 21minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "What does Santa Clause give? He gives you a present. Most people only have a past. Santa gives you a present - he gives you Divine Presence, that's what the gift is under the tree. And what is the tree, it's the Tree of Life, it has to be evergreen, right? When you have arrived at the Tree of Life and the star of Bethlehem, the star which is that ultimate point of Infinite Light that is the absolute image of Shiva and you are within that field of delight, of joy that is Christmas, the season of Christmas, and everyone comes to the tree and there are gifts for everyone because Santa was very generous, and it's all there, then everyone receives a present . . . . It is the Presence that is the real gift, and if you are willing to accept Santa's gift of eternal, ever-green Presence, then you are
Who Is the Knower of the Matrix? - 04.01.16
18/11/2017 Duración: 16minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "Because all that is directly known by the knower is consciousness itself. And consciousness places a grid over the known, objectifies it, calls it a world, calls it external, divides the external and the internal, and creates an illusory identity to function within the realm of the known. Once that illusory identity is believed in, and the positor of all of these positings is forgotten about, the consciousness has trapped itself within an illusory matrix within which it will inevitably be traumatized, and it will create melodramas of persecution, of needing to be rescued, or being a rescuer, or a victim, or all three cycling around one another. And the only way out of this eternal melodrama of suffering is to recognize that the one that posited itself in any of these positions of rescuer, vic
Life: The Impossible Game - 02.10.16
21/10/2017 Duración: 19minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "The game is such that the very thoughts that you have; every thought, every image, every memory, every impulse, is a move in the game - but did you make the move, or was that move made against you? Because it is undecidable who is responsible for your thoughts; is it your own consciousness? Is it some introjection of an other? Is it a demonic entity? Is it the family system internalized? Is it some Big Other that has brainwashed you? Is it some dream in the mind of God? Is it psychosis? It's indeterminable." Recorded on the morning of Wednesday, February 10, 2016.
Reality: A High Stakes Game - 03.28.17
07/10/2017 Duración: 16minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, eternal union with that Real that alone can guide us safely through the rapids of the white water and the black water […] that we can only get through if we are able to levitate above the surface of the raging stream of consciousness through our surrender to that Light that carries us above the flood to safety on the other shore of non-duality.” Recorded on the morning of Tuesday, March 28, 2017.
The Practice of Delight - 07.14.17
25/09/2017 Duración: 29minAre you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 2 podcasts every week + many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview Excerpt: "The delight is the natural state, so before we acquired egos, all of us were always in a state of delight. That's the normal baseline of human consciousness. And then an ego program was imposed on us that took away our delight, and the ego is based on the loss of delight. Because we were trained that we had to get serious and we had to be worried about things and we had to be concerned with learning things and doing things that we didn't want to do, and our delight soon became something else, and there was a nostalgia for the lost delight. And so delight became a kind of an imaginary state that we wished we could be in. And all of culture is basically made up of ways of being in artificial substitutes of delight. We try to get delight from films, from comfort foods, from all kinds of artifici