Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
The Rebirth of Divine Eros Will Transform the World - Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching
09/03/2024 Duración: 12minMerge the attention with the Infinite Self—and all the forgotten secrets of the soul will be revealed. The atrophied powers of the higher mind are still latent and waiting to be activated. Drop dependence on external technology, which is oppressive, and relearn the mastery of thought—and gain the grace of freedom.
Why Reject or Limit Your Genius? Shunyamurti Teaching
04/03/2024 Duración: 12minOn the spiritual journey, there comes a point of no return. Then, one must take the risk of leaving behind the ego mind, and entering the realm of the Divine Presence. The macrocosm is on this trajectory, as well as every microcosm.
Mimetic Rivalry is the Root of Evil - Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
24/02/2024 Duración: 14minAll the unforgettable teachings for this retreat are now available to own. The Recipe for Rapture: Why the World Must Now Be Sacrificed: Description: This explanation of Rene Girard’s model of social functioning, based on the ego’s uncertainty about what it wants, brings new clarity to our personal difficulties and those in the realm of macropolitics. The discourse describes the chain of effects brought about by coveting the attributes or possessions of a chosen other. These cascade from envy to imitation, to rivalry, and to some level of symptomatic violence. We must become free of scapegoating and being victimized, as well as from all rescue fantasies. There is an easy way out.
How to Be Free of Outer and Inner Distractions - Shunyamurti Outer Limits Interview Clip
20/02/2024 Duración: 11minThis is a clip taken from a recent conversation between Shunyamurti and Ryan McCormick, host of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth podcast. Watch the full interview: The ego is addicted to its distractions. Because at the core, the ego lacks inherent essence, and thus has subconscious negative self-esteem, it is always running away from—and defending against feeling—its vulnerable and wounded heart. There are ways to overcome this once we recognize the reality of our suffering and its inner cause.
Overcoming the Indoctrination into Nihilism - Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
17/02/2024 Duración: 13minAs one goes ever deeper into one’s inner being, past the ego and its shadow, the paradigm of reality shifts repeatedly as the perception is purified and accurate discernment of the Real comes more into focus. The enigmas presented by the false beliefs we were taught and then, more deeply, by the pairs of opposites that keep the mind split and in internal conflict and confusion, are gradually overcome. The outer becomes recognized as the inner. The Other is reclaimed as the Self. Unity is perceived pervading the multiplicity. The ultimate mystery is at last revealed. Freedom is regained.
History is God’s Mystery Play—Which Ends with Revelation and Redemption: Shunyamurti Interview Clip
13/02/2024 Duración: 22minIn this extraordinary conversation, the secrets of history and eschatology are revealed. The story of our collective loss of grace—and the fall of the world from a paradise to a hell realm—and our current struggle to repair the creation by transforming ourselves through sacrifice of the ego and returning to our divine essence, will end in victory for the forces of light over those of darkness and evil. But for now, we must enjoy the suspense of not knowing the outcome—until we have become saturated by the purifying Presence of the Supreme Self within and beyond. This is a clip taken from a recent conversation between Shunyamurti and Ryan McCormick host of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth podcast. Watch the full interview:
Fear of Vulnerability Underpins Self-Alienation - Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching
10/02/2024 Duración: 10minA realized yogi sheds his skin, but does not grow a new one. Since there is no outside and no inside to the Real, no skin boundary or defensive shield is either necessary or possible. The Self has no other, no enemy, and no limit. All fear drops away.
Ripening, Discernment, Angelic Service: The Path of Graduation
06/02/2024 Duración: 15minEssential insights into the discernment of an accurate path, guide, methodology of purification of the doors of perception, and subtle preparation for service in one’s body of light—crowned by final graduation from the wisdom school of life—are offered in this outstanding interchange of ideas and energies: A conversation that can bring about a sublime conversion. This is a clip taken from a recent conversation between Shunyamurti and Ryan McCormick, host of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth podcast. Watch the full interview:
Resonate With Total Presence ~ Shunyamurti Teaching
27/01/2024 Duración: 13minBy cultivating resonance with the vibrational frequency of pure and total presence—the Supreme Real—new meanings and insights precipitate from the Infinite Intelligence, the Mind of God. These downloads re-program the destiny of one’s becoming, leading to the attainment of eternal Being.
Urgent Message in Our Morphogenic Field - A Special Message from Shunyamurti
23/01/2024 Duración: 17minThis is an excerpt from a longer teaching posted on our Members Section. Watch the full teaching - sign up for your free trial Description: Since the cosmos is fractally constructed, a common logic of unfoldment exists at every level, in every node of consciousness. This produces in the egoic mind a morphogenic effect that pervades our reality, and manifests as wondrous synchronicities and as similar sorts of self-sabotaging glitches, self-destructive attitudes, stupid reactions, and vain clashes of conflicting wills. If we can reach the inner root of these karmic patterns, then consciousness can free itself of bondages and return to our true nature. Teaching Recorded on Sunday, January 21, 2024
The 7 Dimensions of Reality…and the Divine Functions of the Self ~ Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
20/01/2024 Duración: 20minKnowing the structure of reality can accelerate the attainment of mastery over mind. The divine energies, when embodied, can activate the latent powers of consciousness in miraculous ways. Watch and listen to the entire mind-blowing teaching along with the complete set of eight class recordings from this life-transforming retreat now available as video and audio mp3, together with seven guided meditations available in mp3 format. For those who are ready for Liberation, this set of awesome videos is your royal road to divinization! SHOP
Sacrifice: The Secret of World Renewal - Shunyamurti Invites You to the Next Online Retreat
16/01/2024 Duración: 11minGet Ready To Receive The Recipe for Rapture! Join Shunyamurti Live Online February 9 - 11, 2024. Learn More & Sign Up: Recipe For Rapture The ancient scriptures from all lineages—elaborated most fully in the Vedas—reveal the role that is played by sacrifice in the political economy during the period of the Eschaton, both for individual redemption and world destruction and renewal of Creation. The nature and accomplishment of the necessary sacrificial acts will be explained and possibly fulfilled in the upcoming retreat.
Leave the Inferno of the Ego Mind ~ Shunyamurti Teaching
13/01/2024 Duración: 10minThe chattering ego mind functions as a veil to separate our consciousness from the realization of the Whole. Within the ego, the mindfield is further fragmented into many illusory parts, each with a different drive and orientation toward the Other. Some parts are helpful and compassionate, others may be dark and demonic. Still others may be sad, frightened, anxious, ashamed, confused, and feel powerless. This turns the ego into a conflicted hell realm. There is a path of purification that leads quickly through Purgatorio to the superconscious Paradiso of the Supreme Self. If you are willing to leave your attachments behind, your inner wisdom will guide you to freedom.
The Power that Ends All Anguish and Delusion Awaits Within ~ Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching
06/01/2024 Duración: 11minSalvation can only be our own receipt of forgiveness from the Merciful Lord Who abides within the Heart as the Self. Once forgiven for the sin of egocentricity and separation from the Self, one is freed from the delusions of duality. Perception becomes cleansed of its defilements and the perfection of the divine beauty of the Real is recognized with awe and wonder. Consciousness gladly surrenders to be absorbed into the Blissful Light.
God’s Light Ignites the Final Bonfire of Vanities - Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching
30/12/2023 Duración: 14minConsciousness is constantly morphing, causing the world to appear as a metastable process of mutation, leading to an entropic disjunction of desires and drives, reflected as a world on the edge of chaos. Consciousness and its world both undergo the passage into annihilation. But then, as the chaos converts into pure potentiality, it morphs into a new and perfect order. Thus, the world dies and is reborn. Worldhood itself is without beginning or end. Time is not other than eternity.
Bliss is the Self’s Illusion—the Ego is its Disillusion - Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions
28/12/2023 Duración: 19minDon't Miss - Starts Tomorrow - Do you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join us live and bring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! Dec 29 - Jan 2 SIGN UP: A number of different questions are asked by seekers of Truth, but all are answered by the realization of the Self as the perfection of every moment of experience.
The World Will Fulfill Your Desires - Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions
26/12/2023 Duración: 22minDo you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join us live and bring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! Attaining Maha-Sukha: The Infinite Bliss! Dec 29 - Jan 2 SIGN UP: Quantum waves convert into particles in order to fulfill the desire of the observing physicist. Those desires in turn are a product of the collapsing of qualium wave functions which convert the potentiality of desire into actuality, and turn humans into desiring machines. The whole cosmos appears because of desire, but not the desire of humans, but rather, the Desire of Consciousness Itself. The One Infinite Self desires an infinity of experiences to reflect and fulfill its Will to know Itself by converting Its unmanifest essence into the greatest work of art ever created: the Universe from the Alpha Point to the Omega Point (and its antimatter inverse Other), containing every form of beauty, and every possibility of meaning, in a vast Theodrama culminating in the fulfillment of Its infinite greed, via Its own embodiment a
Know the Joy of Being Born as God ~ Shunyamurti Christmas Teaching
23/12/2023 Duración: 12minThe symbolic meaning of Christmas is a message of universal urgency and personal significance to every conscious being. It is a prefigured celebration of your awakening to your divine nature and the rebirth of the character you play in the matrix as an avatar, a Buddha, a manifestation of God, begotten as the Only Self, by the blissful union of Shakti and Shiva. Blessings for living in the glory of Theosis.
How to Bring Life to this Valley of Dry Bones ~ Shunyamurti Teaching
16/12/2023 Duración: 10minBecause we have abandoned our love for the Mother Goddess and the Father God, and their internal integration as pure mutuality of divine adoration, the life energy has gone out of our archetypal forms and fallen into the morbid and demonic realm of the hungry ghosts and zombie egos, which clash in the darkness of a desert world on the brink of self-annihilation. Only a return to the fullness of the Zero will emanate the salvific power of the Source of our Being.
Disregard the Ego Narratives - Shunyamurti Reads The Sages
09/12/2023 Duración: 12minNo one is in bondage. Only the choice to believe the ego narratives diverts the attention from the Supreme Presence within—and equally without. This is a universal truth. The illumined sages of every spiritual lineage have passed this on as their legacy. That is why it is often called the Perennial Philosophy. But theoretical knowledge is not enough: The habit of forgetfulness of Self must be abandoned.