Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Holding My Breath to Feel God – 06.28.12
28/06/2012 Duración: 01minStudent Question: Sometimes when I meditate I feel a kind or rush that feels like adrenaline. It feels very good and I want to go deeper into it. The problem is that it feels like I am holding my breath, and I am making this huge effort in order to go deeper. It only lasts for some time and then I feel exhausted. What should I do when this happens? Just let go?
Driving the Lower Chakras – 06.28.12
28/06/2012 Duración: 01minStudent Question: How do you handle drives in the lower chakras?
A Sleepy Body Part – 06.28.12
28/06/2012 Duración: 01minStudent Question: Recently in a meditation my foot fell asleep and all these narratives of fear came up regarding whether or not I was hurting my foot or myself. Many of these ideas came up and once I detached from it the feeling in the foot came back. I was wondering what the symbolism of this is?
Ego Trick: Sleep – 06.28.12
28/06/2012 Duración: 01minStudent Question: I find myself falling asleep during meditation, why is that? How can I observe the ego falling asleep?
From Particle to Wave – 06.28.12
28/06/2012 Duración: 03minStudent Question: Sometimes when I meditate I start to feel a very blissful state, but after some time the opposite happens and it becomes almost unbearable and even painful. When this happens I usually stop but today I continued and as I did I thought of the word dematerialization. So I was wondering if that state is associated to “moving from the particle to the wave” that you were referring to and if it is at all related to transmutation as well, is there a connection? What is it that happens?
Healthy Fearlessness – 06.28.12
28/06/2012 Duración: 01minStudent Question: What is healthy fearlessness?
Trapped in the Lower Chakras – 12.06.28
28/06/2012 Duración: 58sStudent Question: When one is trapped in the lower chakras, how does one recognize that one is trapped and how does one get out of them?
Contemplation Precipitates Presence – 12.06.28
28/06/2012 Duración: 11minExcerpt: “I was reading ‘The Little Russian Philokalia’ today… and this first volume is the teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov - a great Saint of Russia… and one of his core teachings is that the true aim of Christianity or of a “true Christian life” as he puts, is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God… I think that sums up authentic Christianity very well… and I think those who are true spiritual seekers in any path can agree that this is the aim, however different religions would alter the language very slightly and that slight alteration can have huge effects…. Now Saint Seraphim does go onto say the Holy Spirit of God is already within you – it is not somewhere else – you don’t have to buy it somewhere – you don’t have to acquire it in some external way… and so really they (religions) all will agree that it is simply a question of realizing your true nature and letting go of the false self… and in the Christian path Saint Seraphim and other Christian Saints and Mystics would say that you do that t
Divine Pillars of the New World – 06.27.12
27/06/2012 Duración: 02minExcerpt: “We have to perform our function well, with humility and purity; with absolute emptiness of ego – to live in the largest way, to live for God and as a manifestation of Godly power. Power of love and truth, not of ego; not of the desire to dominate or control – to surrender all of that and be in the purity and the flow of the divine nature.” Recorded in the afternoon of Wednesday, June 27, 2012.
The Gift of Life – 06.14.12
15/06/2012 Duración: 17minExcerpt: ”What we are all here to discover for ourselves – not through hearsay, not through the testimony even of great sages – is what is real. ‘Who am I really?’ ‘What am I?’ ‘What is this world?’ ‘Is there a God?’ ‘Is there a purpose?’ ‘Is there a meaning?’ ‘What do I want to achieve during this short time that I have between birth and death?’ These are questions that each of us must answer in our own hearts. And while it is useful to hear the wisdom of those who have gone very deeply into reality for themselves, and whose words may be inspiring for you, we must go beyond even the great mahavakyas of the great sages and enter into our own innermost heart.” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, June 14, 2012.
Liberation Through Gyana or Bhakti – 06.07.12
07/06/2012 Duración: 11minExcerpt: “The obstacle is the ego. With all of its chaotic thoughts, negative thoughts, thoughts of lack, of anxiety, of anger, of lust, fear. The ego is a luxury we can no longer afford. It makes our lives unmanageable, as the twelve-step people would say. You can’t manage your life if your life is ruled by an ego because an ego is inherently chaotic, ambivalent . . . and filled with internal conflicts that get projected as external conflicts, paralysis of will, and self-deception of every sort. And all of this produces: suffering. Suffering is based on illusion because the ego is an illusion, and all of its thoughts are illusory. Once you realize you cannot trust those thoughts, you will accept only the thoughts that come from the Source, and they come as inspirations, intuitions, Aha-experiences, and wordless knowing of the true nature of reality – that leads to spontaneous egoless action.” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, June 7, 2012.
Whatever Beliefs You Have Alienate You from Who You Are – 05.31.12
31/05/2012 Duración: 11minExcerpt: “What the path of Advaita says, that is different from every other path, is: all you really need to do is ask the question ‘What am I?’ And just by asking the question, not even getting an answer – in fact you don’t want an answer – as soon as you get an answer you get another belief system, another mythology, another symbolic situation that needs to be overcome because every symbolic situation you are in is the obstacle to the realization of what you are. So you don’t want an answer to the question: what you need is a wordless realization of your being, which you can only get by inquiring – not conceptually, not to find some new map or some new symbol – but to free yourself from all the symbolic constructs that have then created the need for some journey or salvation or some grace from a God, whether out there or in here; it doesn’t even matter. So the question is meant to get you out of every belief system and to keep you from creating a new one because what you need to be free of is beliefs…” Rec
All Suffering is Caused by Identification – 05.24.12
24/05/2012 Duración: 08minExcerpt: “All suffering is caused by identification with an object in consciousness: primarily identification with the physical body, and secondly, identification with language, thoughts. And those thoughts are charged with emotions, impulses, drives—images that create nostalgia, anger, fear, whatever. So there’s a whole cluster of objects, mental objects, that tend to arise that produce effects of suffering of different kinds. And to the extent we’re identified with those objects in the mind, we are on the wheel of karma. . . . And because of our identification with the body, and with thought, we cannot escape because every effort to escape just tightens the noose more: we affirm the illusion that is the cause of suffering. . . . But there is a very simple way out, and that is nonidentification with any mental objects and instead realization of the Self as the Empty Consciousness in which those objects arise.” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, May 24, 2012.
How to Love Your Offspring – 05.17.12
18/05/2012 Duración: 03minStudent Question: How can I love my daughter without attachment?
What is the Sat Mind? – 05.17.12
17/05/2012 Duración: 02minStudent Question: Last week you spoke about the difference between the ego mind and the Sat mind, and I didn’t really understand what the Sat mind is.
Falling from High to Low – 05.17.12
17/05/2012 Duración: 02minStudent Question: When one is in a meditative state, in a state of awareness, and then starts to lose that awareness by getting pulled down by the lower death drive and the lower chakras. What suggestions do you have to help prevent one from falling again and again?
Attached to Lack – 05.17.12
17/05/2012 Duración: 02minStudent Question: There is an attachment to lack, which we don’t want to lose it seems because unconsciously it defines who we are as an ego. So the question is, how does one “attack” that attachment to lack?
More Choice, More Anxiety – 05.17.12
17/05/2012 Duración: 03minStudent Comment: Last week I talked about the excitement of different activities, and there are many of them that I feel so excited for. But then it creates this sense that there’s not enough time: I can’t do everything and I don’t know how to prioritize. Then I get this overwhelming sense because I want to do them all and the anxiety is coming up from that.
A Healthy Superego? – 05.17.12
17/05/2012 Duración: 02minStudent Question: We have talked about a healthy super ego. For example, recognizing where one has been inaccurate, even if it’s subtle, and not wanting to repeat that behavior again. I can see how that recognition could escalate into more of a negative attack but, how do you discern the difference?