The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is responsible for the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) used by more than 100 countries. The development of IFRSs is subject to rigorous public consultation and engagement with stakeholders around the world. This service provides a simple mechanism for interested parties to keep up to date on the work of the IASB and developments in financial reporting.
Interpretations Committee podcast
07/05/2010Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an overview of the issues discussed during the May 2010 IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting including Accounting for production stripping costs, Vesting and non-vesting conditions, Put options written over non-controlling interests, IFRS Interpretations Committee agenda decisions, IFRS Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decisions, Annual Improvements, and IFRS Interpretations Committee work in progress.
Interpretations Committee podcast
06/05/2010Robert Garnett and Michael Stewart give an introduction to the IFRS Interpretations Committee and provide an overview of its work
IASB podcast
22/04/2010Insurance, Financial Statement Presentation, Leases, and Financial Instruments—Liabilities, and Consolidation
IASB podcast
21/01/2010Financial Instruments, Financial Statement Presentation, Insurance Contracts, and Leases