Leading ADHD experts give real-life answers to questions submitted by ADD adults and parents raising children with attention deficit disorder across a range of topics covering symptoms, school, work, and family life.Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at:
45- Dr. Amen on the 7 Types of ADHD: Understanding Your Type and the Best Way to Treat It
21/03/2014 Duración: 57minDr. Daniel G. Amen, author of Healing ADD, discusses his proposed seven types of attention deficit disorder. Learn which type you or your child may have, and the best way to treat symptoms.
44- Sleep Solutions for Children with ADHD
19/03/2014 Duración: 37minPoor sleep can exacerbate symptoms for ADHD children, but getting a good night's rest can be a struggle. Lisa Shives, M.D. and Elaine Taylor-Klaus, CPCC, discuss strategies parents can start using at bedtime tonight.
43- Mindfulness: A Natural Therapy to Manage ADHD Symptoms
19/02/2014 Duración: 53minEver wish you could just slow down your ADHD brain? Board-certified psychiatrist Lidia Zylowska discusses how you can meditate, decrease stress, and reframe negative situations through mindfulness.
42- Social Success Strategies: Helping Your ADHD Child Make Good Friends
12/02/2014 Duración: 59minChildren with ADHD may have a hard time making close friends. Michelle Garcia Winner give parents strategies they can use to teach their child a social "vocabulary" and help them master interactions.
41- Getting Homework Done: Practical Strategies for Students with ADHD
06/02/2014 Duración: 57minMichele Borba, Ed.D., advises parents on creating healthy homework habits and addresses specific concerns, like math or reading challenges, to help make homework less of a battle.
40- Girls and Women with ADHD: Gender Differences and Stigma
03/02/2014 Duración: 55minADHD doesn't affect only boys. As Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D., explains, the disorder can look different in women and girls, and they face greater stigma surrounding symptoms.
39- Stop School Stress: Targeted Strategies to Improve Focus, Study Skills, and Daily Routines
30/01/2014 Duración: 57minKirk Martin, founder of, gives parents the tools to handle morning frenzy and after-school fatigue, partner with teachers to help them understand your ADHD child, and more.
38- The Organized Student: Set Your ADHD Child Up to Succeed at School
24/01/2014 Duración: 58minHow many times has your ADHD child completed his homework, then lost it before he could turn it in? Donna Goldberg offers solutions to help tame the chaos of lockers and backpacks and keep computer files organized.
37- You Can Do It! Managing Adult ADHD All Day, from Morning Through Bedtime
10/01/2014 Duración: 55minADHD doesn't affect adults only during the workday. Michele Novotni, Ph.D., presents everyday solutions for fighting procrastination, identifying strengths, getting motivated in the morning, and, yes, getting to sleep at night.
36- Tame Your To-Do List: Stay on Time and on Task with Adult ADHD
06/01/2014 Duración: 56minDo you have trouble getting things done? Use the concrete strategies from ADHD coach Beth Main to develop a task-management system that works, avoid procrastination, and learn when to delegate, defer, and drop to-do items.
35- Defeat Distractions: How Adults with ADHD Can Increase Productivity at Work and at Home
31/12/2013 Duración: 58minAdults with ADHD have an especially hard time refocusing after interruptions, whether from technology, from other people, or internal sources. Geraldine Markel, Ph.D., outlines a seven-step system to limit distractions.
34- Time-Blindness and ADHD: Become More Aware of Time and Learn to Manage It
18/12/2013 Duración: 58minAre you always late? Does time feel "infinite" or "like a black hole" to you? Ari Tuckman, Psy.D., explains why common time-management techniques don't work for ADDers, and describes some solutions that will.
33- The ADHD Diet: Best Supplements, Vitamins, and Foods for Kids with Attention Deficit
16/12/2013 Duración: 56minSandy Newmark, M.D., explains why the right nutrition can make a big difference for children with ADHD. Learn the family meal-planning approach (starting with a good breakfast!) that can help improve symptoms.
32- Exposing ADHD Myths: Science's New Understanding of the Disorder
13/12/2013 Duración: 58minThomas E. Brown, Ph.D., offers the latest research to refute common myths about attention deficit disorder, including "ADHD isn't real," "bad parenting causes ADHD," and "most kids outgrow ADHD."
31- Remember More, Forget Less: How to Improve Your Working Memory
14/11/2013 Duración: 59minWeak working memory is what causes adults with ADHD to forget where we parked the car or the item we just ran to the store to buy. Dr. Ari Tuckman presents exercises and tricks you can use to build up your working memory.
30- Thrive with ADHD: Dr. Ned Hallowell on the Best Medical and Natural Treatments
12/11/2013 Duración: 39minLet Ned Hallowell, M.D., inspire you to switch from trying to "fix" your child or yourself to raising a champion. He discusses an optimized treatment plan that includes medical and natural interventions as well as lifestyle changes.
29- Diagnosing ADHD: What You (and Your Doctor) Need to Know
28/10/2013 Duración: 52minDo you think you or your child might have ADHD? Joel Nigg, M.D., explains how to get a foolproof diagnosis, discusses new diagnostic techniques, like brain imaging, and runs through what you should do before seeing a doctor.
28- What Is ADHD? Explaining It to Family, Friends, Teachers, and Colleagues - ADHD Awareness Month Series
07/10/2013 Duración: 57minDo people in your or your child's life just not get attention deficit? Michele Novotni, Ph.D., shares strategies and sample language you can use to explain ADHD in different settings, and to raise awareness in your community.
26- Get Started, Get Organized, Get Things Done: Practical Solutions for ADHD Adults
06/10/2013 Duración: 01h04minStreamlining your ever-growing piles of paperwork, developing new routines to stay organized -- and sticking with them, setting up systems to jog your memory, and more from adult ADHD coach Sandy Maynard, M.S.
27- Moms with ADHD: Keep Your Kids and Yourself Organized and Get Things Done!
05/10/2013 Duración: 52minTerry Matlen shares her best strategies, from one woman and mom with ADHD to another, about limiting responsibilities, creating structure for yourself and your child, managing paperwork and clutter, and more.