Taking your BNI results to new levels through tips, strategies, interviews and discussing The Power of One!
BNI 482: Business Matters 65 - Know the Signs
30/03/2022 Duración: 29minIn this week's Business Matters podcast we discuss how to look for the signs of the market changing in your industry and the importance of being one step ahead.
BNI 480: Business Matters 64 - When It Is Time, It Is Time
23/03/2022 Duración: 22minIn this week's Business Matters podcast we discuss what to do when you know it is time to make a change.
BNI 479: It Worked So Well - My New "Close"
21/03/2022 Duración: 11minIn this week's Power of One I share a new technique I tried that worked so well it just may be how I close referrals from now on.
BNI 478: Weekly Presentation Coaching 35 - Kedrny Evans
17/03/2022 Duración: 08minIn this week's Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we meet Kedryn Evans!
BNI 477: Business Matters 63 - Speed Networking
16/03/2022 Duración: 24minIn this week's Business Matters podcast we discuss Speed Networking events
BNI 476: Show Submission - What Do We Do With Complacent Members?
14/03/2022 Duración: 18minIn this week's Power of One we go back to your submitted questions: What do we do with complacent members?
BNI 475: Weekly Presentation Coaching 34 - Jo Ann McLellan
11/03/2022 Duración: 12minIn this week's Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we meet Jo Ann McLellan from Local Marketing Plus
BNI 474: Business Matters 61 - Be Flexable
09/03/2022 Duración: 27minIn this week's Business Matters episode we discuss the importance of being flexable to unpredictable circumstances.
BNI 473: Increase Your Opportunities
21/02/2022 Duración: 20minIn this week's Power of One we discuss how to increase your opportunities this spring.
BNI 472: Weekly Presentation Coaching 33 - Jen Wilson
18/02/2022 Duración: 10minIn this week's Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we meet Jen Wilson
BNI 471: Business Matters 61 - Facing the Headwinds of Change
16/02/2022 Duración: 27minIn this week's Business Matters episode we discuss how to deal with the headwinds that come with making changes
BNI 470: P.A.I.D
15/02/2022 Duración: 24minIn this week's Power of One episode we bring back Getting P.A.I.D the 4 Principles to Success.
BNI 469: Business Matters 60 - Accountability Partners
09/02/2022 Duración: 16minIn this week's Business Matters episode we discuss the value of accountability partners.
BNI 468: Weekly Presentation Coaching 32 - Jared Ernico
28/01/2022 Duración: 16minIn this week's weekly presentation coaching episode we meet Jared Ernico from PA!
BNI 467: Business Matters 59 - In Good Times and Bad
27/01/2022 Duración: 18minIn this week's Business Matters episode we continue the discussion around embracing the suck and its importance in good times not just bad.
BNI 466: Embrace the Suck
24/01/2022 Duración: 18minIn this week's Power of One podcast we discuss the importance of embracing the suck!
BNI 465: Weekly Presentation Coaching 31
21/01/2022 Duración: 12minIn this week's Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we meet Kourtney Johnson from MN!
BNI 464: Business Matters 58 - How Quick Do You React?
19/01/2022 Duración: 21minIn this week's Business Matters podcast we discuss how quick you should react to your set goals.
BNI 463: Should We Be Doing Cold Invites? - Show Submission
18/01/2022 Duración: 19minIn this week's Power of One episode we go back to answering your submitted questions! This week we hear from Treston in Hawaii!
BNI 462: Weekly Presentation Coaching 30 - Darren Richard
14/01/2022 Duración: 15minIn this week's Weekly Presentation Coaching episode we meet Darren Richard from CT!