Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine brings you the wisdom and spiritual teachings of many women spiritual leaders across the globe. The Elders have their unique respective series available through our platform.
The Golden Era: Remembering the original vibration in time of Chaos
07/11/2016 Duración: 25minWhat are the values of a true human being? Where are we taking the humanity collectively? Lets make an effort together to create a better reality for ourselves and the planet. In this episode, we go much deeper into our original vibration and understanding of ourselves. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Healing our Emotional Body- The Water Element
31/10/2016 Duración: 28minIn this episode, Maya-Mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez takes us on a journey to deeply embrace that emotional body, deeply comprehend the element Water. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series : Personality and the Essence - Restoring true human being
24/10/2016 Duración: 25minPersonality is the outer aspect of the self when essence is the inner. So how do we walk in balance of both? How do we restore ourselves back into an original human being who is healed to the core. One who recognizes the sacredness of all the living things and comprehends truth. Join Maya-Mexica Medicine Woman Magdala Ramirez for this episode. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era : Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine
18/10/2016 Duración: 28minJoin us on a journey to understand that union of polarities of divine feminine aspect and divine masculine aspect of ourselves; bringing that balance within the self of male and female energies. Magdala Ramirez shares unique teachings of union of polarities within the self in this precious episode. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Walking in Dimensions
10/10/2016 Duración: 26minHave you wondered if there was more to the reality you were seeing? This episode is a guide to accessing higher dimensions, with maya-mexika medicine woman Magdala Ramirez. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: The Training for the Golden Era
25/09/2016 Duración: 24minGolden Era is a new age for humanity. At this time, we are transitioning and its a choice to abandon backward beliefs that are not serving humanity to be better anymore. In this episode, we discuss the spiritual work that will lead to ascension of humans. We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series : Awakening the Power Within
19/09/2016 Duración: 29minAbout The Golden Era- A New Way to Relate Series: We are learning, as human beings a new way to relate with each other and within ourselves. This series is dedicated to bringing forth that spark in you that is leading the evolution of yourself. We are learning together. We have a DISCUSSION GROUP ON FACEBOOK where you can join us for our weekly rendezvous. Email to or We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series: Removing the System From Within
12/09/2016 Duración: 27minAbout The Golden Era- A New Way to Relate Series: We are learning, as human beings a new way to relate with each other and within ourselves. This series is dedicated to bringing forth that spark in you that is leading the evolution of yourself. We are learning together. We have a DISCUSSION GROUP ON FACEBOOK where you can join us for our weekly rendezvous. Email to We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series : Harnessing the Emotional Body
05/09/2016 Duración: 24min"Understand that flip in your life, in your energy- embrace that part of you that knows how to do this. Recognize that part of you in that incredible moment of the liberations.There is a moment that all the centers in your body align with the one that created you. Remember that you have always been the light body- that light body, when you use it and identify with it- use it and understand that is who you are, you are not using the physical body or the programing in the physical body." ~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series : Part 15
22/08/2016 Duración: 27minAbout The Golden Era- A New Way to Relate Series: We are learning, as human beings a new way to relate with each other and within ourselves. This series is dedicated to bringing forth that spark in you that is leading the evolution of yourself. We are learning together. We have a DISCUSSION GROUP ON FACEBOOK where you can join us for our weekly rendezvous. Email to We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series : Part 14- Belief Systems
15/08/2016 Duración: 29minWe want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era Series : Your Alliances Your Reality
08/08/2016 Duración: 26minYour connection with your Creator and the choices you make, based on a higher vibration of love, or lower vibrations of fear, anger, or an example, will create the reality you experience. As you become more aware of where your choices take you and what you align with, choose wisely, ask for assistance from the higher realms. and as your consciousness expands it will be reflected in the world around you. You can realize a higher truth in the relationships you have or new ones that you make. All is connected in the world of oneness and how you perceive that world recreates your own path of existence. As you continue to explore who you truly are and your consciousness grows, by the mere physics of being the observer through love, which is the highest alignment there is...the more you will come to realize that life isn’t happening to you, you are the one creating a life that is based on your own alliances. As a creator, your vibration will set the stage for new alliances and manifestations of a higher
The Golden Era: On Many Realms
01/08/2016 Duración: 27min“In the silence you can find me in the deepest of the silence you hear the voice that guides you, the voice that loves you in the deepest silence you remember the true human being you have always been time have come for human beings to embrace your original vibration when the great mother talks to you, she talks in vibration it is you the one translating see your relations inside of you see how it has been that incredible mirror where you have been living if you have a problem with a loved on, see them inside of you and connect with them inside of you though love and you will see how the changes happen.....” — Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: On Love, Happiness and Healing
25/07/2016 Duración: 28min"It is truly love that heals, it has never been time that heals…. You are love! It is love that is taking you to to many many worlds & many encounters of yourself. Life is a journey. And that journey takes you to many place of expressing love that you are. In each one of your relations is a sacredness, which is the incredible bonding that you have with that person & that is forever...."~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: True Human Being
18/07/2016 Duración: 28min".....there is different ways of thinking. you become very inclusive. you begin to comprehend that whatever is happening to one is happening to many, to all of us together. there is a way of thinking about honor and respect to each other and as a human being, to our environment for we understand the communication with the whole creations, with flowers ,trees with everything around us - connection with stars. in this realm you can see yourself as cosmic beings. in this realm is there is the perfect balance between the male- the female....." ~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Sisterhood
11/07/2016 Duración: 29min....It is the time where you build the sisterhood even stronger. People helping people and everyone protecting the children. That incredible love and caring that you have, it comes directly form your original vibration and it is always in alignment with the great mother. ...." ~ Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to
The Golden Era: Know Yourself
04/07/2016 Duración: 26min"...know that through that light body that you are…you can see the things that doesn’t belong just drop from you. Hold your vibration as you encounter the highest truth about yourself for the only one that you need to reach is yourself and it is thought that alignment with what you call the great mother..."~Magdala Ramirez We want the teachings of the Great Mother to go everywhere. Please like and share this podcast. If you want to learn more about the teachings, books that are available and upcoming events go to