Nourishing The Mother

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 358:56:44
  • Mas informaciones



Mothering can be an inspired journey to our most glittering, authentic, passionate, creative and connected selves. Through the mirror offered to us by our children, we are taken to every hurt, unmet need, and also every joy and excitement weve ever experienced. We want every woman and mother to give themselves and those around them the compassion, love and healing they so readily offer their children, but rarely allow themselves. Journey with us as we discuss the many layers of being a mother today, where we have come from and where we want to go. Learn tools to connect with yourself, offer compassion to those parts wed rather deny and get back in love with yourself, motherhood and who you are as a feminine woman.


  • NTM 379: Navigating the heavy feelings of love and loss: rites of passage in motherhood

    26/09/2022 Duración: 37min

    Mothers often find themselves in the sandwich between beauty and pain, grief and gratitude; it’s hard sometimes to be moving forwards, but not quite ready to let go. Often what’s needed is attending to the grief that we’re experiencing in this transition phase. In this episode we discuss: ⁃ How to integrate grief into your own life ⁃ Grief around fertility and miscarriage  ⁃ Grief around endings like leaving babyhood, toddlerhood and fertility years ⁃ Grief when life changes, like aging parents.  ⁃ Allowing your experience ⁃ Ritualising your experience  ⁃ Supporting your body to be with the intensity  ⁃ Finding community where your grief can be held  ⁃ Complex feelings of love and resentment  ⁃ Not getting so nostalgic that you forget the shitshow  ⁃ We’re not just grieving who/what we perceive we’ve lost, but grieving who we are in relationship to the world.To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and ins

  • NTM 378: When you dance with becoming what you’ve always judged: Julie’s hysterectomy choice

    19/09/2022 Duración: 45min

    In an update following our podcasts on Julie’s prolapse journey, she shares her surgical choices and how she’s navigating and advocating for herself through that. We explore the humility and the heart in embracing what we once judged.To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 377: How to experience joy and pleasure in your life amongst the demands of motherhood

    12/09/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    It’s all well and good to aspire to more pleasure and joy in your life, but how do you actually do that with an unending list of needs and demands from small children and life.In this episode, we discuss:You can’t be conscious all the timeWhen your feminine might be out of balanceThe context of modern motherhoodBusting the belief that it all has to be youLooking outside of your own storiesWhen you step back, who steps upWhat can you let go of to allow it in?Receiving and allowing yourself to receiveMaking more conscious choices towards ever-greater alignmentDoing the things that bring you joy and pleasure amidst motherhoodGiving less f*cks, but really choosing the f*cks you giveTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 376: Don’t let conscious living steal your joy

    05/09/2022 Duración: 48min

    When daily life starts to get too hard and heavy, and joy and pleasure begin to leave your life, body and parenting, what can you do?The quality of your life can be determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself - so in this podcast, the quest that we take you on, is to find the beauty in the questions that open you up.In this episode we discuss:Your attachment to a ‘hard work’ mindsetRecognising the fallacy in the ‘hard work’ mindsetLack vs abundant mindsetNoticing the ways you’re policing yourselves and othersHolding judgements on those who take the ‘easy way’When you’re condensing and contracting down, how do you open up and expand?When you change your lens you change your lifeWhat is it like to walk a path of ease and joy?To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 375: The evolution of holding space as children grow

    29/08/2022 Duración: 58min

    Through the stories of our lived experience, we share the wisdom gleaned on what we need as space-holders through every age and stage of our children. In this episode we discuss:- The relentless and all-consuming nature of holding space- The release from over-stimulation- Aggression is part of the way children express- What you need as a mother at each stage- What we are asked to meet and heal within the self at each stage - Meeting public meltdowns and observing the self as you navigate that - Building the capacity to hold great intensity - Understanding cognitively children’s releases and functional and healthy- Not needing to control our kids and their emotions- Being with internalised judgements- Checking in on your own expectations- Sharing care at transition phases- Teen years and listening versus problem-solvingTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherho

  • NTM 374: When intensive mothering holds YOU back

    22/08/2022 Duración: 45min

    Your top values will always fill your time, so are you leading your life, or are others? If you’re regularly finding yourself feeling resentful toward your children or motherhood, it could be time to re-evaluate.In this episode we explore:- Beliefs like ’no one else can do this but me’ as forging an identity for your that’s become a straitjacket- Exiting the straitjacket of the identity you’ve grown to big for- Contemplating if my child doesn’t need me, where’s my worth- Considering intensively meeting needs as a season, rather than a lifestyle- Getting beneath our parenting challenges to see that perhaps we’re being asked to confront the fantasy we have with ourselves, how we mother, and our children- When we step back, who steps up?- When you’re not in connection, who is?- Challenging the perfect mother myth that ‘Only the biological mother can provide the best care for my child’- Healthy relationship requires an element of conflict- Allowing everybody to be whole- Lived experience and wisdom versus intelle

  • NTM 373: Exploring different keys to your feminine energy

    15/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    This week while Bridget celebrates her daughters birthday, Julie brings you some clips from her Seen, Felt, Known ~ Feminine Energy 101, free program. It’s a sensual, informative and heart-opening dive into how to access more of your feminine energy - enjoy!In this episode we explore: - Relaxation, aka receiving- Beauty- Leading with your heart- Adornment- SensualityTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 372: Body basics…our top 4 daily actions for loving your body

    08/08/2022 Duración: 29min

    This episode is all about the practice of relationship with your body, not an arrival point or destination laden with expectation. In this episode we recognise that relationship with our bodies is a lifelong process and includes repulsion, indifferent and revelation. In this episode we discuss: ⁃ The drive to always want to make your body different or better ⁃ Living in a society that has a disdain for ageing ⁃ Finding ways to appreciate your body for what it can do and feel  ⁃ Holding neural pathways that reinforce pain or rigidity  ⁃ Gentle, rhythmic movement that brings connection  ⁃ Training yourself to reorient back towards your body ⁃ Taking stock of what you’re not doing for yourself that’s contributing to how you feel; ie. not having water, lunch, broth on hand in winter.  ⁃ Being intentional with how you want to meet the world ⁃ Changing the Patriarchail narrative on yourself ⁃ Universal laws that impact your mindset ⁃ Balancing appreciation and loosening the grip of wrongnessTo explore feminine embo

  • NTM 371: Our top 4 go-to’s when you’re in a collapse

    01/08/2022 Duración: 34min

    We all have a pattern of collapse, what’s yours? It can feel like you’re in a fight or flight response, have dropped your bundle, lost your capacity entirely or are flooded by overwhelm. You can find yourself spiralling in thoughts of self-hatred…and we ALL get here from time to time.It’s not about avoiding getting here, it’s about having the strategies and structure for when you do.In this episode we discuss:What to do when you feel like you can’t climb outFocusing on what you can anchor toRecognising you’re spiralling when all the little things trigger youBringing yourself into the present by orienting to space and timeRecognising old patterns of using blame and shame as strategiesQuestioning when your boundaries have been washed over so many times, that you’re now resentfulWhen we move our body, we move our mindRecognising fear that you’re plunging into the unknown and supporting yourself to create safety.Sharing your messiness rather than being ‘already solved’Letting yourself rejuvenate in Mother NatureI

  • NTM 370: Recession proofing your family financially and emotionally with Coco, the astro-economist - Part 2

    25/07/2022 Duración: 44min

    If you can’t deal with your emotions, you can’t deal with your money. So in this episode with Coco the astro economist, we talk building your intuition to build your wealth, working on your self-worth to build you net worth, busting your ‘hard work’ beliefs, and not waiting for the perfect time. We also explore how empowering ourselves as mothers, empowers our daughters so they may free themselves from a life of financial abuse. In this two-part series we cover:* The crippling effect of the fear of 'losing it all' that holds you and your family back* What a good money manager is and how to become one* Your self-worth underpins your ability to make money and build your wealth* Make love to the numbers you hate* Earning more than your partner is not a bad thing, you just usher in a new version of your partner* Choosing intuition over intellect towards financial growth* Following the small signs each day to build a strong trust in your own intuition* We can subconsciously sabotage ourselves and 'l

  • NTM 369: Recession proofing your family financially and emotionally with Coco, the astro-economist - Part 1

    18/07/2022 Duración: 44min

    If you can’t deal with your emotions, you can’t deal with your money. So in this episode with Coco the astro economist, we talk building your intuition to build your wealth, working on your self-worth to build you net worth, busting your ‘hard work’ beliefs, and not waiting for the perfect time. We also explore how empowering ourselves as mothers, empowers our daughters so they may free themselves from a life of financial abuse. In this two-part series we cover:* The crippling effect of the fear of 'losing it all' that holds you and your family back* What a good money manager is and how to become one* Your self-worth underpins your ability to make money and build your wealth* Make love to the numbers you hate* Earning more than your partner is not a bad thing, you just usher in a new version of your partner* Choosing intuition over intellect towards financial growth* Following the small signs each day to build a strong trust in your own intuition* We can subconsciously sabotage ourselves and 'l

  • NTM 368: When you're scared you can't get off the merry-go-round of sick kids

    11/07/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    It's the season for feeling hostage to sick kids and chained to frustration. So we want you to feel less alone, and more loved up as you navigate it all. We talk around three areas in this podcast, beginning with: you're not alone, normalising frustration and how to find the silver lining. In this episode we discuss:- Order and chaos as part of a healthy life- The attachments you have to what the merry go round means- The polarisations that keep you self-minimising- There is no merry-go-round to get off of- Returning to what your basic needs are- Creating spaciousness by allowing to vent and release in safe spaces- Expanding emotional capacity and flexibility- Supporting yourself to be 'sick fit' - Loving the season you're inTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 367: The real deal: what 7 years of podcasting with kids looks like

    04/07/2022 Duración: 36min

    This week marks our 7 year anniversary of the launch of our podcast - Nourishing the Mother. So with sick-babe in arms, we record a podcast reflecting on what it's been like to run business alongside motherhood with freedom, flexibility and compassion front of mind.  In this episode we discuss: - Our potent memories, defining moments and deep gratitude for what this experience has given us - Running business and family as top values together - Trusting you won't know how, but you'll work it out and having the courage to leap - Being willing to pivot, fall flat and get up again, because your why is so important - Building windows of tolerance and holding yourself in the tension for longer - Weaving wisdom from a shit show day - Finding bandwidth when you thought you had none - Seeing your work in the world as part of your wellbeing - Creating and allowing imperfection - Harnessing the time you have - Choosing your hard - Giving others permission by showing upTo explore feminine embodiment, intim

  • NTM 366: Help! It feels like my life is run by everyone except me

    27/06/2022 Duración: 34min

    In this episode we give you the three-step panacea to running your own life instead of feeling like a back-seat driver to everyone else's needs. We'll have you seeing yourself through a whole different lens and placing yourself back where you belong, in the driver's seat of your own life.In this episode we discuss:- the law of conservation and how if you don't fill your day, something or someone else will- how do you find your power when all you see is your disempowerment?- seeing where you already are powerful- seeing where you are choosing your top values in everyday life- understanding the resentment and self-minimisation cycle- understanding where the shadow-you is consuming power- empowering yourself to take back your life, even as a mother of young childrenTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 365: Softening into your 'shit show'

    20/06/2022 Duración: 38min

    Julie and Bridget share the 'real life stories' of the non-highlight reel reality of parenting and the inevitable shit show it brings. Bridget illustrates the dynamic at play within the polarity between siblings via a birthday party and Julie shares the reality of meeting multiple, diverse needs in a large family. This podcast gives you our unfiltered events of weekend reality and the three-step process we employ to find our own softening within the shitshow (please note this one comes with a strong language warning!).Our three-step process is:- What's my fantasy?- Let it go- Choose youTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 364: 10 ways motherhood is making you an exceptional entrepreneur

    13/06/2022 Duración: 37min

    Motherhood as entrepreneurship...say what?! Motherhood cultivates mindset shifts that create a bigger life and fulfils a bigger vision. Let's sink into how extraordinary your everyday ordinary experience is.In this episode we discuss:- Pioneering in your lineage as a lonely path- When no one else shares your vision, how do you back yourself?- Your profound ability to adapt and triage any moment- Your skills of constantly pivoting and how they open you up to a world of opportunity- The emotional intelligence involved in adjusting your expectations- Leading yourself when you go your own way- Being willing to be misunderstood- Coming back to your own voice- How motherhood helps you to crunch time- Unlocking the passion that will sustain you- Holding a vision bigger than you and not collapsing because you don't have it right now- Your strength in goal-setting and creating small, daily actionable steps from a big visionTo explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, vi

  • NTM 363: Our top 3 tips for managing your expectations on yourself as a mum

    07/06/2022 Duración: 27min

    Expectation is possibly the most corrosive pattern of mothers in motherhood. We crave to live a full and vibrant life and ask for more, but we want to make sure we're doing this from a place that is sustainable and life giving, not wrapped in conditions. In this episode we give you a 3-step process to bust the crushing addictions to expectations.In this episode we discuss:How the weight of expectations, causes our sufferingHow to spot an expectation spiralHow to map somatically that expectation spiral in your bodyHow to menatally bbalance your perceptions that are causing your sufferingHow our expectataions are so often shaped by impossible comparisonsBreaking down the comparisonsRedefining polarising thinking on what is right or wrongRemoving our attachments to one-sided thinkingHow we can even make the joyful unsafe, and repatterning that withinSelf-celebrationSelf-appreciationMaking celebration safe for youHonouring everythign you've already doneCelebration as the foundation of law of attraction

  • NTM 362: Bridget and Julie's top 3 tips for when they're exhausted

    04/06/2022 Duración: 32min

    Motherhood and exhaustion go hand-in-hand, right? To the point where many of us crave a broken 'something' or Covid, to get some bed rest. In this episode we discuss what it can look like to befriend your exhaustion with curiosity, through the tips we share. Let's create some spaciousness in your world!To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit

  • NTM 361: If we want more freedom, we have to let go of control

    23/05/2022 Duración: 49min

    The more overwhelmed you feel, the more control you’ll seek, and the more control quells your feelings, the more control you’ll seek…until one day, your world is so small, you don’t want to live in it anymore. If you’re a spiritual junkie, this one will take you there, and if you’re deep in heart-centred parenting, Listen InThe post NTM 361: If we want more freedom, we have to let go of control appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

  • NTM 360: Managing your nervous system through resistance – 3 step process for when you feel cornered in your parenting

    17/05/2022 Duración: 40min

    We all end up feeling cornered at some point/s in our parenting journey. Sometimes it can feel like a phase, rut or cycle – and that’s a pretty tough place to be; when you feel out of options, resources and patience…and full of fear of ‘what will you do now? And in the future?’… In Listen InThe post NTM 360: Managing your nervous system through resistance – 3 step process for when you feel cornered in your parenting appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

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