The Neurology podcast is introduced by Editor-in-Chief Robert A. Gross, MD, PhD, who discusses several highlighted articles in the current issue of Neurology®. The podcast regularly features content from Neurology® Clinical Practice, Neurology® Genetics, and Neurology® Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. Opening segments include interviews with authors who summarize a current article and discuss the main findings and clinical implications for neurologists. Regular features also include the Lesson of the Week, Delayed Recall, Whats Trending, and selected content from Neurology® Today. Podcast listeners can earn 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits by answering the multiple-choice questions related to Neurology content in the online Podcast Quiz. (Delayed Recall, Neurology® Clinical Practice, Neurology® Genetics, and Neurology® Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation contents are excluded from the CME program). The exams are posted weekly on Tuesday.
Delayed Recall - Apr 2013 - Encephalopathy of Systemic Disease II
01/04/2013 Duración: 27minEncephalopathies caused by drugs, vitamins, infectious and autoimmune disorders
March 26 2013 Issue
25/03/2013 Duración: 32min1) Preclinical Alzheimer disease and 2) Topic of the month: Cerebellar ataxias. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Jeff Burns interviews Prof. Michael Ewers about his paper on preclinical Alzheimer disease. Dr. Stacey Clardy is reading our e-Pearl of the week about neurologic symptoms in relapsing polychondritis. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Susan Perlman and Jeremy Schmahmann about the topic of inherited ataxias and sporadic, degenerative ataxias. In concluding, there is a brief statement where to find other up-to date patient information and current Patient Page. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs Jeff Burns, Ewers, Clardy, Ted Burns, Perlman and Schmahmann.Dr. Jeff Burns serves on the editorial board for Journal of Alzheimer's Disease; receives royalties for the publications of Early diagnosis and
March 19 2013 Issue
18/03/2013 Duración: 28min1) Niemann-Pick type C and 2) Topic of the month: Cerebellar ataxias. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Ted Burns interviews Dr. Matthis Synofzik about his paper on Niemann-Pick type C. Dr. Stacey Clardy is reading our e-Pearl of the week about cephalic tetanus. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Susan Perlman and Jeremy Schmahmann about the topic of inherited ataxias. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs Burns, Synofzik, Clardy, Perlman and Schmahmann.Dr. Burns serves as Podcast Editor for Neurology®; and has received research support for consulting activities with CSL Behring and Alexion Pharmaceuticals.Dr. Synofzik receives honoraria from Actelion Pharmaceuticals; receives travel funding from Movement Disorders Society and receives research support from the Volkswagen Foundation.Dr. Clardy served on the
March 12 2013 Issue
11/03/2013 Duración: 33min1) Pitfalls in electronic health records and 2) Topic of the month: Cerebellar ataxias. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Mike Brogan interviews Dr. Jim Bernat about his paper on pitfalls in electronic health records. Dr. Stacey Clardy is reading our e-Pearl of the week about Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Susan Perlman and Jeremy Schmahmann about the topic of other acquired cerebellar ataxias. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs Bernat, Clardy, Burns, Perlman and Schmahmann.Dr. Bernat serves as an editorial board member of Neurocritical Care, Neurology Today and Multiple Sclerosis and Related Diseases, receives compensation for serving on the editorial board of The Physician's Index for Ethics and Medicine and receives royalties from the publication of the book Ethical issu
March 5 2013 Issue
04/03/2013 Duración: 28min1) Intravenous thrombolysis and 2) Topic of the month: Cerebellar ataxias. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Brett Kissela interviews Dr. Henrik Gensicke about his paper on stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis. Dr. Stacey Clardy is reading our e-Pearl of the week about brachial plexopathy. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Susan Perlman and Jeremy Schmahmann about the topic of immune-mediated cerebellar ataxias. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs Kissela, Gensicke, Clardy, Burns, Perlman and Schmahmann.Dr. Kissela serves on scientific advisory board for Allergan, Inc.; has received funding for travel and speaker honoraria from Allergan, Inc.; has received research support from the NIH, will receive compensation from Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for serving on the Event Adjudication Commit
Delayed Recall - Mar 2013 - Encephalopathy of Systemic Disease I
01/03/2013 Duración: 46minEncephalopathies caused by endocrine, electrolyte and organ dysfunction
February 26 2013 Issue
25/02/2013 Duración: 25min1) Spinal ischemic stroke and 2) Topic of the month: Child neurology topics. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Pearce Korb interviews Dr. Ronen Leker about his paper on spinal ischemic stroke following dialysis. Dr. Chafic Karam is reading our e-Pearl of the week about adrenomyeloneuropathy. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Jeff Waugh interviews Dr. Jonathan Mink about the topic of pediatric movement disorders. In concluding, there is a brief statement where to find other up-to date patient information and current Patient Page. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Leker, Karam and Mink.Dr. Leker serves as an editorial board member of Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, Current Neurovascular Research and Journal of the Israeli Neurological Association.Dr. Karam served on the editorial team for the Neurology® Resident and Fellow Sec
February 19 2013 Issue
18/02/2013 Duración: 34min1) Advanced neurologic disease applications and 2) Topic of the month: Child neurology topics. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Ted Burns interviews Dr. Robert Holloway about his paper on advanced neurologic disease. Dr. Chafic Karam is reading our e-Pearl of the week about exploding head syndrome. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Jeff Waugh interviews Dr. Blaise Bourgeois about the topic of pediatric epilepsy. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Burns, Holloway, Karam and Bourgeois.Dr. Burns serves as Podcast Editor for Neurology®; and has received research support for consulting activities with CSL Behring and Alexion Pharmaceuticals.Dr. Holloway serves as an Associate Editor of Neurology Today; is a consultant for Milliman Guidelines Inc.; and receives research support from the NIH.Dr. Karam served on the editorial team for
February 12 2013 Issue
11/02/2013 Duración: 36min1) AAN paper on teleneurology applications and 2) Topic of the month: Child neurology topics. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Nina Solenski interviews Dr. Lawrence Wechsler about this AAN paper on teleneurology applications. Dr. Chafic Karam is reading our e-Pearl of the week about tactile mitgehen. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Jeff Waugh interviews Dr. Gabrielle deVeber about the topic of pediatric stroke. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Wechsler and Karam.Dr. Wechsler serves on the scientific advisory boards for Lundbeck Inc., Neurointerventions Therapeutics, Inc and Silk Road Medical, Inc; receives research support from the NIH (for patient clinical trials), provides telestroke services to hospitals in Pennsylvania and Maryland; holds stock options in Neurointerventions Therapeutics, Inc.Dr. Karam served on the edit
February 5 2013 Issue
04/02/2013 Duración: 25min1) Depression in epilepsy and 2) Topic of the month: Child neurology topics. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Chenjie Xia interviews Ms. Kirsten Fiest about her paper on depression in epilepsy. Dr. Chafic Karam is reading our e-Pearl of the week about the art of memory revisited. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Jeff Waugh interviews Dr. Mark Gorman about the topic of autoimmune disorders. The participants had nothing to disclose except Dr. Karam.Dr. Karam served on the editorial team for the Neurology® Resident and Fellow Section.
January 29 2013 Issue
28/01/2013 Duración: 23min1) Prolonged anoxic vegetative state and 2) Topic of the month: Headaches. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Matt Flaherty interviews Prof. Luigi Trojano and Dr. Anna Estraneo about their paper on prolonged anoxic vegetative state. Dr. Jen Fugate is reading our e-Pearl of the week about myokymia. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Mike Sowell interviews Dr. Beau Bruce about the topic of pseudotumor cerebri. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Flaherty, Fugate, Bruce and Prof. Trojano.Dr. Flahery serves on the scientific advisory board for CSL Behring; is a consultant for CSL Behring; has a patent pending for non-invasive CNS monitor; receives research support from the NIH and the Principal Investigator of a phase II NINDS-funded trial (STOP-IT) with study drug supplied by Novo Nordisk.Prof. Trojano receives royalties from the publ
January 22 2013 Isue
21/01/2013 Duración: 28min1) Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and 2) Topic of the month: Headaches. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Thos Cochrane interviews Dr. Boris Kotchoubey about his paper on unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Dr. Jen Fugate is reading our e-Pearl of the week about periodic alternating nystagmus. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Mike Sowell interviews Dr. Andrew Hershey about the topic of pediatric headache. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Cochrane, Kotchovsky, Fugate and Hershey.Dr. Cochrane receives royalties from the publication of the book First Aid for the Boards: Neurology.Dr. Kotchoubey receives research support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Dr. Fugate serves on the editorial team for the Neurology® Resident and Fellow Section. Dr. Hershey serves as an Associate Editor for Headache and Cephalagia; serves on the
January 15 2013 Issue
14/01/2013 Duración: 22min1) Incident Parkinson disease and 2) Topic of the month: Headaches. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. John Morgan interviews Dr. Tien Khoo about his paper on incident Parkinson disease. Dr. Jen Fugate is reading our e-Pearl of the week about paroxysmal dysarthria and ataxia. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Mike Sowell interviews Dr. Alan Finkel about the topic of post-traumatic headache. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Morgan, Khoo, Fugate and Finkel.Dr. Morgan has served on the speakers' bureau of GE Healthcare, GlaxoSmithKline, Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., and UCB Pharma; has performed CME for Oakstone Publishing, LLC; is a consultant for Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Chelsea Therapeutics, and Impax Laboratories, Inc.; receives research support from NIH as a sub-investigator and received compensation for review of med
January 8 2013 Issue
07/01/2013 Duración: 35min1) Pre-hospital thrombolysis and 2) Topic of the month: Headaches. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Andy Southerland interviews Dr. Joachim Weber about his paper on pre-hosptial thrombolysis. Dr. Jen Fugate is reading our e-Pearl of the week about Ondine's curse. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Jen Bickel interviews Dr. Todd Rozen about the topic of cluster headaches. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Audebert and Fugate.Dr. Audebert serves as Associate Editor for Frontiers of Teleneurology; is a consultant for Lundbeck Inc.; receives speaker honoraria from Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lundbeck Inc., Bayer Vital, UCB, Sanofi-Syntelabo Inc and Pfizer Inc; receives research support from Center for Stroke Research Berlin funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and funding
January 1 2013 Issue
27/12/2012 Duración: 35min1) Active multiple sclerosis and 2) Topic of the month: Headaches. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Michelle Johansen interviews Dr. Jack Ratchford about his paper on active multiple sclerosis. Dr. Jen Fugate is reading our e-Pearl of the week about nummular headache. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Jen Bickel interviews Dr. Gretchen Tietjen about the topic of women and migraine. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Ratchford, Fugate and Tietjen.Dr. Ratchford serves as a consultant for Biogen Idec, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Diogenix, Inc.; and receives research support from Biogen Idec, Novartis, and Sun Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Fugate serves on the editorial team for the Neurology® Resident and Fellow Section. Dr. Tietjen serves as an Associate Editor of Headache; serves on the scientific advisory board for MAP Pharmaceuticals Inc.
December 11 2012 Issue
10/12/2012 Duración: 25min1) Multiple cranial nerve impairment and 2) Topic of the month: Encephalopathy caused by systemic disease. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Stephen Donahue interviews Dr. Vincent Roubeau about his paper on multiple cranial nerve impairment. Dr. Chafic Karam is reading our e-Pearl of the week about neurosyphilis presenting as mesial temporal encephalitis. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Steven Lewis and Allison Weathers about vitamin deficiency, infection and autoimmunity. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Karam, Burns, Lewis and Weathers.Dr. Karam serves on the editorial team for the Neurology® Resident and Fellow Section. Dr. Burns serves as Podcast Editor for Neurology®; performs EMG studies in his neuromuscular practice (35% effort); and has received research support for consulting activities wit
December 4 2012 Issue
03/12/2012 Duración: 30min1) Orexin receptor antagonism and 2) Topic of the month: Encephalopathy caused by systemic disease. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Tom Roth and Joe Herring about their paper on orexin receptor antagonism for treatment of insomnia.Dr. Chafic Karam is reading our e-Pearl of the week about central fourth nerve palsies. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Steven Lewis and Allison Weathers about drugs that can cause encephalopathy. All participants have disclosures.Dr. Burns serves as Podcast Editor for Neurology®; performs EMG studies in his neuromuscular practice (35% effort); and has received research support for consulting activities with CSL Behring and Alexion Pharmaceuticals.Dr. Roth serves on the scientific advisory boards for Merck, Jazz and Transcept; serves as an editorial board member fo