Join Pastor Keith and various friends for the God Fodder podcast as they share insights, questions and friendly banter on sermons and a variety of discourse within culture today. For curious and creative types seeking to learn, laugh and expand their perspectives, the weekly God Fodder podcast is "an offering you cant refuse."
Elvis Fodder
12/06/2019 Duración: 34minHave you ever experienced a "Freudian slip?" This week we fodder about this fascinating phenomenon through the complexities of the King, Elvis Presley, who had a enormously tough time with his hit "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" Elvis fan or not, you don't want to miss some great pod fodder on one of the most mysterious and authentic performers of all-time. From Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast, season 3, episode 10 "Analysis, Parapraxis and Elvis." Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter @goodgodfodder and @gregoryheinecke
Office Fodder
19/05/2019 Duración: 34minAre you an a**hole? We sure hope not--but you probably know one. This week we are discussing horrible bosses, coworkers and assholery behavior around the office and more importantly, what you can do to stop it. This episode contains explicit language, so make sure the kids aren't around, or if you're not a fan of vulgarity, then you may want to skip this one. Don't worry, it's not a new trend, there was just no getting around it with such a great show to discuss: Work Life with Adam Grant "The Office Without A**holes."
Earth Fodder
23/04/2019 Duración: 25minIt's Earth day! Foddering on the Flintstones, a Native American myth of the Old Woman in the Cave from the Living Myth podcast w Michael Meade (and how we deal with the chaos in every way--even this recording!) and some great quotes from the world's foremost elders...Tweet us with your feedback @goodgodfodder and @gregoryheinecke - thanks for listening!
Character Fodder
09/04/2019 Duración: 35minWhat makes you who you are? How do you perceive and interact in the world? Foddering about personality traits, character and virtues and... Pop Shoppes. Enjoy! If you like what you're hearing, tweet us on Twitter @goodgodfodder @gregoryheinecke
Brain Fodder
27/03/2019 Duración: 37minAre you left or right brained? Tackling "neuromyths" plus some epic bad karoake (Def Leppard/Queen), tune in for great mind over matter fodder sure to tap all 100% of your brain power.
Laughing Fodder
04/03/2019 Duración: 36minIs laughter the best medicine? Eddie Murphy, Chris Farley, Chris P. Bacon and some hidden brain fodder affirms what we already know to be true--gelotology rocks!
S2, E4: Oscar Fodder
19/02/2019 Duración: 40minEverything Academy awards tonight--acceptance speech fodder, best picture fodder and favorite moments from the movies.
Birthday Fodder
01/02/2019 Duración: 34minHappy 40th to Keith as we fodder it up about 1979, try out some songs you have probably been singing incorrectly and discuss the point of Christianity from Theology Nerd podcast with author Brian McLaren.
Winning Fodder
15/01/2019 Duración: 34minDo you like to win? Demolish your family and friends at games? This is a show for wannabe winners as we delve into "How to Win Games and Beat People." Plus MacGyver, Robin Williams, and the best fodder of 1968.
Habitual Fodder
04/01/2019 Duración: 37minKicking off season 2 with how to build good habits (Pyschology Podcast), a stroll down MTV memory lane, new books, Bigfoot, a new year of God Fodder for your enjoyment is here!
Fun Fodder
23/12/2018 Duración: 31minBring your brain to play on this episode of God Fodder, the last of "Season 1." With a blend of trivia fodder, plus Friends, misunderstood lyrics and what a porgy is, it's all just for fun fodder for your holiday season pleasure.
S1, E11: Mythological Fodder
12/12/2018 Duración: 35minEpisode 13: Tonight the power of myth and story. Some Christ-myth trivia, Die Hard, the good ol days and other fun fodder throughout. Merry Christmyth!
Questionable Fodder
01/12/2018 Duración: 34minGetting after the Spirit of Inquiry (TED Radio Hour) as well as movie recommendations, podcasts to check out and all things fodder.
S1, E9: Disagreeable Fodder
13/11/2018 Duración: 33minBreaking down Revisionist History, pulling the goalie, war movie trivia, gratitude, Life and "Hungry Eyes"--it's Fodder Time!
S1, E8: Ghost Fodder
30/10/2018 Duración: 32minFoddering on ghosts, ghostbusters, latest recommedations on what we've seen, read and heard and our take-aways from the podcast of the week: Snap Judgment Presents: Spooked.
S1, E7: Tribal Fodder
09/10/2018 Duración: 32minBuilding up to our conversation about Seth Godin on the podcast On Being, we'll test our 80s movie music knowledge, discuss the funny side of failure and give some book and movie recommendations.
S1, E6: Rebel Success
18/09/2018 Duración: 42minBack at it after a summer hiatus, chatting about rebels with a cause, dumb trivia, the good ol days and more!
S1, E5: Super Jesus
11/07/2018 Duración: 40minIs Jesus our biblical version of a Superhero? Chatting all things Superman, plus Interstellar, fireworks fodder and more.
S1, E4: The Storm Whisperer
03/07/2018 Duración: 44minFirst LIVE God Fodder - talkin Star Wars, Ferris Bueller, urinal etiquette, pirates and more! Join in on the fun!
Consistently Inconsistent
19/05/2018 Duración: 39minHow not to overparent, the benefits of suffering, Hall & Oates, zoos are bad, baseball card glory, and restroom pet peeves.