Bainbridge Island's only live news podcast. Traffic, Weather, City Hall, Events and Bears.
153 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review | Volume 19 | August 30, 2019
30/08/2019 Duración: 55minEpisode 153 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review | Volume 19 Brain's Back From Vacation, Winslow Hotel "Old School" and the Best Bogus Best of Bainbridge! So we added some of our BESTS! Best Like Everything On the Menu Jake's Pickup on Bainbridge Island, Best Day In Day Out Coffee and Bakery Storyville Coffee Company, Best Fish and Chips and Seafood Done By A Real Brit Proper Fish, Best BBQ Danny's BBQ in Poulsbo, Best Bainbridge Personality a tie between Houston Wade and Jim Thomsen, Best Restauranteur Brendan McGill, Best Restaurant Ever On Bainbridge Now Gone @Fours Swallows, Best Place On Bainbridge To Live If You Are Old Winslow Way, Best Place To Live If You Get Rich Lake Union. Best Source of News On Bainbridge Island Wake Up Bainbridge. Best author to try out at Eagle Harbor Book Company that you will not regret if you like fine writing, Charles Portis. Tell them Wake Up Bainbridge sent you. Wake Up Bainbridge is going to be on King 5's New Day Northwest Show Wednesday, September 4th. They want u
152 - Danielle Rueb Update Show | Woman, Mother, Wife, Public Servant, Student, Employee, Survivor, Thriver
29/08/2019 Duración: 33minEpisode 152 - Danielle Rueb Update Show | Woman, Mother, Wife, Activist, Student, Employee, Survivor, Thriver... Description provided by Danielle--- Sal and I had this great conversation about life, change, sex trafficking, pimps, barriers — A little bit about immigration, being Brown and all of the other things. What we took away from our conversations both on and off air; We aren’t perfect at negotiating these past issues, but are trying to practice conversing and processing what matters as in this world. What matters? Having a good heart, and loving your neighbor. So please do me the honor of listening in! Maybe you’ll find yourself in our journey. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here.
151 - Stop Winslow Hotel Interview with Natalia Ilyin - Neighbor of the Hotel Project
29/08/2019 Duración: 45minEpisode 151 - Winslow Hotel Interview with Natalia Ilyin of the local residents group trying to prevent a large hotel at 241 Winslow Way. We talk traffic, parking and the neighbor's efforts to force a smaller project. This was an interesting counterpoint to our earlier interview with developer, Mike Burns which you can watch here: Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. This traffic filled episode is brought to you by Storyville Coffee Company, Amoeba Networks Seattle managed IT services company and Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles.
150 - NCAA Rower Julia Batson with Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island Bethanee Randles
29/08/2019 Duración: 28minEpisode 150 - Wake Up Bainbridge Podcast - NCAA Rower Julia Batson with Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island Bethanee Randles. Raised on Bainbridge Island, we discuss Julia's time in and out of school, sports, how she got into crew/rowing and eventually became part of an award winning team that took the Bainbridge Island Rowing Varsity Girls program to Nationals in 2018. Shortly thereafter Julia enrolled in the highly touted Smith College on the East Coast of the United States where she earned a spot on their program. Last year, Julia's first, the program posted their best finish (5th) in 54 years Smith College has rowed at the Head of the Charles event. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website h
149 - Interview with Rich Seubert | History of Rich, Liveaboards on Bainbridge, His 55 Foot "Kelly Bree" and Everything Else
28/08/2019 Duración: 39minEpisode 149 - Interview with Rich Seubert | History of Rich, Liveaboards on Bainbridge, His 55 Foot "Kelly Bree" and Everything Else Rich Wants to Discuss. The early days to the Wharf Rats and the Liveaboards Pegasus Coffee House and once upon a The Harbour Public House. The future of affordable housing and non-motorized transportation from the common man's point of view. Episode 149 brought to you by: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle a managed IT services company and ... Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles.
148 - Council Meeting Recap, Poulsbo Shooting Question(s) and Preview of Tomorrow's Interview With Natalia Ilyin, Organizer of the of the Stop Winslow Hotel Movement
28/08/2019 Duración: 48minEpisode 148 - Council Meeting Recap, Poulsbo Shooting Question(s) and Preview of Tomorrow's Interview With Natalia Ilyin, Organizer of the of the Stop Winslow Hotel Movement Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 148 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and ... Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles
147 - WUB Study Session Crib Notes with Matt Tirman - City of Bainbridge Island, Washington Council Member - Interview Before Regular Business Meeting of the City Council - 8/27/2019
27/08/2019 Duración: 22min147 - WUB Council Meeting Crib Notes with Matt Tirman - City of Bainbridge Island, Washington Council Member - Interview Before Regular Business Meeting of the City Council - 8/27/2019 We love doing these Wake Up Bainbridge Council Meeting Crib Note Sessions. This week we have Matthew Tirman, Bainbridge Island City Council on the show to discuss the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington Council Meeting Agenda for tonight. The meeting starts at 6:00 with an Executive Session (secret meeting). The action we are privy to resumes at 6:20 PM. There will be A LOT of public comment tonight. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 147 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Sea
146 - WUB Weekend Wrap-Up | Goose Gate and West Sound Wildlife Shelter, 550 Fundraiser and Housing Resources Bainbridge
27/08/2019 Duración: 36minEpisode 146 - WUB Weekend Wrap-Up | Goose Gate and West Sound Wildlife Shelter, 550 Fundraiser and Housing Resources Bainbridge Executive Directors Phedra Elliots Powerful Statement, Class and Race Warfare in Bainbridge Islander’s FB Groups and a Couple Awesome Things You May Not Know About New Day Northwest’s, Margaret Larson. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 146 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and ... Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles
145 - LTAC Is DEAD "...which allowed the “option” to for cities and counties to use lodging tax revenues to pay for work/live affordable housing."
26/08/2019 Duración: 31minEpisode 145 - LTAC is DEAD Or at least it should have been, starting with the 2017 LTAC funding cycle. Back in 2015, the Washington State Legislature enacted (SB 1223), which allowed the “option” to for cities and counties to use lodging tax revenues to pay for work/live affordable housing. To date, Bainbridge Island has used $0.00 ... Why? Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 145 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and ... Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles
144 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review - August 23, 2019
23/08/2019 Duración: 44minEpisode 144 - The Bainbridge Island Review, Review - August 23, 2019 In the second game of the Wake Up Bainbridge double-header we review the hometown paper and come away sort of meh. Just a C and a C- minus. I don't know how that averages but it is summer and maybe there was no news. We found lots to talk about (because we like to talk) and noted the quality of the candidates (Anthony Oddo and Kirsten Hytopoulos) for the At Large seat for City Council who had a very substantial debate in game one of Fridays shows. You can watch it here: When Sal DeRosalia was called away Richard reverted to his favorite topic: cod. Bainbridge Island Town & Country Market has been running cod fillet sales religiously this summer and are always running out of Blue North which is my favorite. I bought some temporary malted vinegar until I can get down to Proper Fish to get the real deal Sarsons Malt Vinegar. The only thing you should have in the kitchen. It
143 - The "At Large" Council Member Candidate Debate | Kirsten Hytopoulos and Anthony Oddo
23/08/2019 Duración: 01h03minEpisode 143 - The "At Large" Council Member Candidate Debate - Kirsten Hytopoulos and Anthony Oddo come on the show this morning for a long(er) form discussion on the topics that matter to City of Bainbridge Island, Washington folk. We talk growth, mobility, water, water again, affordable housing, ethics issues and more. These two candidates deserve to be watched. Wake Up Bainbridge. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call co-host Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 143 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and ... Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles
142 - W.U.B. Vault - Bainbridge Island Historical Museum - Originally Recorded 05.05.2019
22/08/2019 Duración: 27minEpisode 142 - W.U.B. Vault - Bainbridge Island Historical Museum - Originally Recorded 05.05.2019 The Bainbridge Historical Museum is more than just a static archive of Bainbridge trivia. Richard & Sal talk about how the museum can actually be point of departure to the cultural and social history of the Island. Both good and bad is equally represented in the excellent exhibits and access to the collection. Many of the problems Bainbridge has faced are still with us today and have to addressed. From growth, city involved and race equity all have a place in this wide ranging discussion and open love letter to the people of Bainbridge Historical Museum. If you have never been there you are really missing something.
141 - Special Guest Charlie Wenzlau of Wenzlau Architects - One of the most celebrated architects of Bainbridge Island.
21/08/2019 Duración: 44minEpisode 141 - Special Guest Charlie Wenzlau of Wenzlau Architects - One of the most celebrated architects of Bainbridge Island. Charlie stopped by the studio today to discuss topics such as his time on Bainbridge Island (since 95), work as a consultant to help craft policy within the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, current and past projects as well as his thoughts about how Bainbridge will continue to develop itself. You can check out Charlie's work here at his website for Wenzlau Architects. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, Home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call Sal DeRosalia today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 141 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee
140 - WUB Study Session Crib Notes - City of Bainbridge Island Council Member - Sarah Blossom - Interview Before Council Study Session 8/20/2019
20/08/2019 Duración: 14minEpisode 140 - WUB Study Session Crib Notes - City of Bainbridge Island Council Member - Sarah Blossom - Interview Before Council Study Session 8/20/2019 City of Bainbridge Island Council Member, Sarah Blossom called into the Wake Up Bainbridge set to give us a quick update on the topics they will review in the City Council Study Session tonight at 6:00 PM down at City Hall. Topics include: Update on Moratorium, Winslow Hotel Traffic Study Findings, Population Forecast through 2050, THE ETHICS PROGRAM!!! and Nature's Bill of Rights. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, The home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 140 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbr
139 - Lee Moniz of the The Tyler Moniz Project is here with Patrick Steele of The Coffee Oasis.
20/08/2019 Duración: 01h07minEpisode 139 - Lee Moniz of the The Tyler Moniz Project is here with Patrick Steele of The Coffee Oasis. We cover the history, the controversy and the future of this project that has begun inside the Bainbridge Pavilion. Brought To You By: Outcome Media, The home of the best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call today, (206) 240-8857 or send us a message through our website here. Episode 139 Sponsored By: Storyville Coffee Company Amoeba Networks Seattle and Outcome Athletics, home of the Best Personal Trainer on Bainbridge Island, Bethanee Randles
138 - Weekend Wrap-Up | Summer Is Over. Kids Are Back In School. Richard and Sal Won the Lotto.
19/08/2019 Duración: 42minWake Up Bainbridge - Episode 138 - Weekend Wrap-Up | Summer Is Over. Kids Are Back In School. Richard and Sal Won the Lotto. In real news, Sal and Richard will preview the live interview tomorrow with Lee Moniz of the The Tyler Moniz Project She and Patrick Steele, Director of Youth Development for The Coffee Oasis will discuss their new home in the Pavillion, plans for helping youth on Bainbridge Island as well as answer some questions from the community Wednesday’s sitdown with Charlie Wenzlau of Wenzlau Architects, one of the Parfitt Princes, of the Bainbridge Planning Architect Round Table. We discuss his time on the Island, what he thinks of “growth” and how he sees some of the current issues playing out. Thursday Sal will be down at Monroe Correctional Facility. He is working with Entrepreneurs in Training and he is coming back that day. Sorry everyone. And Friday, the conversation with current Bainbridge Island City Council candidates, “Coffee with” Anthony Oddo of Anthony Oddo for Council, and Ki
137 - Bainbridge Island Review, Review - Friday August 16, 2019
17/08/2019 Duración: 44minEpisode 137 - Bainbridge Island Review, Review | Preview of next weeks ROCKIN' guest list Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island, Lee Moniz of the The Tyler Moniz Project, Charlie Wenzlau of, DEBATE TIME! with candidates for at-large City Council seat Kirsten Hytopoulos of Kirsten for Council and Anthony Oddo of Anthony Oddo for Council, LTAC deadline and the founding of The Association of Bainbridge Island Podcasters or ABIP, not to be confused with A BLIP or A BLIMP. And this is all happening on Bainbridge Island, WA, Treat yourself at Storyville Coffee Company in their fabulous roastery, bakery, high quality coffee shop in the Coppertop. We do. Amoeba Networks Seattle your managed it services solution. and Outcome Athletics home of the best personal trainer on Bainbridge island, Bethanee Randles!!! And a belated shout out to Kathleen Thorne (an Island Treasure) for the great historical website of the changing face of Winslow Way, https://www.winslowwaystorefronth
136 - The WUB (Wake Up Bainbridge) Business Report
15/08/2019 Duración: 44minEpisode 136 - The WUB (Wake Up Bainbridge) Business Report - Old businesses, new businesses, good businesses and bad businesses, they all exist here on Bainbridge Island. BUY OUR MUG! We discuss the highs and lows as well as a full report on where business stands on the Island today. BUY OUR MUG! We talk about famous small businesses: Bainbridge Island Town & Country Market and Bainbridge Gardens, Inc. and of the past like Bainbridge Bakers and the ones that occupy that space now like Good Egg. BUY OUR MUGS! HERE Some great ones have moved away but you can travel to find them like Crazy Eric's. Some hidden success stories and a few sad failures. BUY OUR TOTE BAG HERE Podcast Produced By: Sal DeRosalia, The home of the Best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call Sal today, (206) 240-8857 or send him a message through our website
135 - Bainbridge Island Housekeeping Issues | Eagle Harbor Book Company Success, City of Bainbridge Island, Washington City Council Review Session
14/08/2019 Duración: 42minEpisode 135 - Bainbridge Island Housekeeping Issues | Eagle Harbor Book Company Success, City of Bainbridge Island, Washington City Council Review Session (LTAC, Helpline House, Wallace Way Cottage Approval, Car Tab Money Gone) and Paid Ad Placement in Bainbridge Island Review Newspaper???| This wasn't in the show, but, yesterday was also pub day for beloved Island author/illustrator Dav Pilkey ofCaptain Underpants fame for his new book in the Dog Man series from Scholastic "For Whom the Ball Rolls" available at Eagle Harbor Book Company. It will put a smile on your face while you are walking around in this beautiful weather. On air we were present at the founding of the Association of Bainbridge Island Podcasters! Podcast Produced By: Sal DeRosalia, The home of the Best Podcast studio on Bainbridge Island. Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know how? Want some help? You can hire Outcome Media to help complete your project and get your vision off the ground. Call Sal today, (206) 240-8857
134 - WUB Study Session Crib Notes - City of Bainbridge Island Council Member Leslie Schneider - Interview Before Council Study Session 8/13/19
13/08/2019 Duración: 12min134 - WUB Study Session Crib Notes - City of Bainbridge Island Council Member Leslie Schneider - Interview Before Council Study Session 8/13/19