IPL: Slow train coming: religious liberty in the last days
20/08/2008 Duración: 01h00sProfessor Rex Tauati Ahdar, Faculty of Law, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on August 21, 2008.
IPL: Thinking about Irish Studies
05/08/2008 Duración: 01h21sProfessor Peter Kuch, Eamon Cleary Professor of Irish Studies, presents his Inaugural Professorial Lecture, “Thinking about Irish Studies”. 6 August 2008
IPL: "Bloody Idiots!" Have the drunks behind the wheel reached a cross-roads?
15/05/2008 Duración: 01h21minProfessor Geoff Hall, Faculty of Law, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on May 15, 2008.
IPL: Love Stories of Later Life
11/03/2008 Duración: 44minProfessor Amanda Barusch, Head of Social Work and Community Development Department Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on March 12, 2008.
IPL: Museum Pieces: How Cultural Institutions Educate and Civilise Society
20/11/2007 Duración: 53minProfessor Jeffrey Smith. University of Otago College of Education, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on 21 November, 2007.
IPL: Teaching and learning in higher education: we teach, but what do they learn?
06/11/2007 Duración: 52minProfessor Kerry Shephard, Higher Education Development Centre, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on November 7, 2007.
IPL: Marginal Lands, Marginal People, Marginal Geographies
24/10/2007 Duración: 59minProfessor Tony Binns, Department of Geography, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on October 24, 2007.
IPL: Principles for Intelligent Accountability, with Illustrations from Education
04/10/2007 Duración: 01h12minProfessor Terry Crooks, Otago University College of Education, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on October 4, 2007.
IPL: Grass roots History: Reflections on New Zealand's Changing Landscape
27/09/2007 Duración: 53minProfessor Tom Brooking, Department of History, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on September 27, 2007.
IPL - Footnotes to Plato (audio)
12/09/2007 Duración: 46minProfessor Peter Anstey, Department of Philsosphy, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on September 12, 2007.
IPL: Concepts of liberty in mental health law
06/09/2007 Duración: 01h49sProfessor John Dawson, Faculty of Law Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on September 6, 2007.
IPL: From Orange Boxes, to tsunamis and climate change: realising the potential of impact assessment
23/08/2007 Duración: 54minProfessor Richard Morgan, Department of Geography, Inaugural Professorial Lecture, given on August 23, 2007.