Monologue; adalah cara subjek dalam mengeskpresikan keresahannya. Hidup adalah tentang perspektif, hal itu diatur dalam hak yang seringkali tidak digunakan karna makna...
Sound Not Found ??? Sorry, the sound you resquested could not be found... only available is common goals sound...
I love to share about how to build your early professional career, how to understand your aspiration, and to unleash the best version of yourself.Ssttt.. I will invite...
The purpose of this podcast is to share Catholic teaching brought by speakers of PD (prayer meeting) Yosua Bin Nun.
Celotehan manja gue yang sangat tidak berfaedah (kalo ternyata ada faedahnya ya alhamdulilah) cuman pengen share tentang social-life yang gue alamin dan beberapa hal yg ga bisa...
Rethinking money . Imagine you meet up with your friends in a Sunday chill afternoon , and they give you new ideas about investment in a fun way . Now imagine that's actually a...