  • Por William Somerset Maugham
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Xiormonez is the most inaccessible place in Spain. Only one train arrives there in the course of the day, and that arrives at two o'clock in the morning; only one train leaves it,...

The Wood Beyond The World
  • Por William Morris
  • Editor: Interactive Media

When the wife of Golden Walter betrays him for another man, he leaves home on a trading voyage to avoid the necessity of a feud with her family. However, his efforts are...

Press Cuttings
  • Por George Bernard Shaw
  • Editor: Interactive Media

A room in the War Office on 1 April 1912. General Mitchener is in a state of considerable anxiety about the number of Suffragettes chaining themselves to government buildings. He...

A Bookworm For Christmas: Gay Romance
  • Por Trina Solet
  • Editor: Trina Solet

When Gavin and Miles were boss and employee, they kept each other at arm's length. It's been a few years since then and things have changed. Gavin has a little boy, Benji,...

  • Por Edmondo De Amicis
  • Editor: David De Angelis

Diario immaginario di un bambino di quarta elementare, Cuore narra gli episodi lieti e tristi di un intero anno scolastico, inframmezzati da nove racconti esemplari in forma di...

The Horse-stealers And Other Stories
  • Por Anton Chekhov
  • Editor: Interactive Media

A hospital assistant, called Yergunov, an empty-headed fellow, known throughout the district as a great braggart and drunkard, was returning one evening in Christmas week from the...

Ghostly Tales: The Mysterious Lodger
  • Por Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Take my word for it, there is no such thing as an ancient village, especially if it has seen better days, unillustrated by its legends of terror. You might as well expect to find...

The Merry-go-round
  • Por William Somerset Maugham
  • Editor: Interactive Media

All her life Miss Elizabeth Dwarris had been a sore trial to her relations. A woman of means, she ruled tyrannously over a large number of impecunious cousins, using her...

  • Por Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
  • Editor: David De Angelis

In one of the greatest works of German literature, Goethe explores the human need for meaning and the desire for power over one's own fate, regardless of the consequences.

The Sage And The Atheist
  • Por Voltaire
  • Editor: Interactive Media

John was not twenty years old when he assisted, as a volunteer, at the attack on Mont-Joui, which was captured, and where the Prince of Hesse lost his life. Our poor Johnny was...

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