Before "New Age" there was "New Thought," a philosophy that sought God through metaphysics and was very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is the book that...
Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some people have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids by the time the...
Barrie and Jonathan have just married, and every moment feels new. Their first morning, their first kiss, their first fuck... And yet, some things really are new. Like the way...
Queen Victoria sends for the Duke of Sherbourne and asks him to undertake a very secret mission on her behalf. It is so secret that only his loyal valet, Jenkins, is told. The...
The house is silent. Jacob and I are the only two who sleep in the main building. I haven't slept in the same bed with Joel for years, because he snores. At least that's what we...
The young couple. The first time. The cheeky flirt. The secret, forbidden encounter. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. "I read the...
We hear the crawlers closing in. A T-34. They must have seen us, Tiny whispers. - Stay low until it is right here, then we run! The horrible clattering of the crawler comes closer...
Rumor has it; they are being moved to Warsaw. Heide, who is always informed, claims that all hell is loose over there. There is talk of a German pullback from the eastern...
Heide wails, jumps up and lands on the other side of the trench, where he slides through the mud like a bulldozer. Our tank starts backing up in full speed. Porta has clearly also...
Monte Cassino, the sacred monastery north west of Naples. The Germans have built massive defense positions. The battle of Monte Cassino in the winter and spring of 1944 turns into...