Principal Long (interracial Black M / White F Story)
  • Por Jane Snow
  • Editor: PEAR Stories

Loni is a mother of two with a husband who likes to try to put her down with his words. The two also haven't been intimate since she was pregnant with their second son. When her...

The Flying Inn
  • Por G. K. Chesterton
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Set in a future England where the Temperance movement has allowed a bizarre form of Progressive Islam to dominate the political and social life of the country. Because of this,...

Motor Matt's Air Ship - The Rival Inventors
  • Por Stanley R. Matthews
  • Editor: LBO

MOTOR STORIES - THRILLING ADVENTURE MOTOR FICTION.Characters that appear in this story:Matt King: concerning whom there has always been a mystery--a lad of splendid athletic...

The Coffee-house Of Surat
  • Por Leo Tolstoy
  • Editor: Interactive Media

In the town of Surat, in India, was a coffee-house where many travellers and foreigners from all parts of the world met and conversed. One day a learned Persian theologian visited...

Laura's Cowboys
  • Por A.J. Mayes
  • Editor: Lot's Cave, Inc.

DESCRIPTION:Laura's 28, and several years into a marriage to the love of her life, Todd. Knowing she has a hunger to be wild, Laura keeps it locked deep in the recesses of her...

The Pilgrims Of Hope
  • Por William Morris
  • Editor: Interactive Media

A selection of poetical works by William Morris including: The Message of the March Wind, The Bridge and the Street, Sending to the War, Mother and Son, New Birth, The New,...

On His Terms
  • Por Nicola Nichols
  • Editor: Boruma Publishing

Debbie is a smart and aggressive woman who finds her new husband is weak and doesn't share her goals to succeed. His father owns his own company and she learns her...

The Magic Ring And Other Fairy Tales
  • Por Andrew Lang
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Once upon a time there lived an old couple who had one son called Martin. Now when the old man’s time had come, he stretched himself out on his bed and died. Though all his life...

Nudity Is For The Birds: A Smart, Sexy, Nerdy First-time Romance
  • Por Kethandra Wilde
  • Editor: Boruma Publishing

For the third year, red-headed virgin Robin poses her riddle to the naked masses at the local Nude Day celebration, hoping to find her intellectual needle in a Midwestern...

Invitation From Her Neighbor: Lesbian Erotica
  • Por Rex Pahel
  • Editor: Rex Pahel

Lydia just got into a huge fight with her husband. To cool herself down, she decides to accept an invitation from her neighbor for a party. Lydia and her neighbor. Lydia cannot...

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