Country Roads: A Tale Of Rural Terror
  • Por Wayne Kyle Spitzer
  • Editor: Wayne Kyle Spitzer

When a comedian from New York offends an audience in rural Kentucky, he quickly finds himself on a highway to Hell ...I let off the gas immediately and slowed down before veering...

The Steppe
  • Por Anton Chekhov
  • Editor: The Steppe

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (29 January 1860 – 15 July 1904) was a Russian playwright and short story writer, who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction...

  • Por Bull Blue
  • Editor: Lot's Cave, Inc.

DESCRIPTION:Linus Abrams is hired to check on the mental well-being of a former magistrate judge Wilbur Conrad Sr. Abrams is near satisfied that his evaluation is nothing more...

Pride And Prejudice
  • Por Jane Austen
  • Editor: Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is a novel of manners by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners,...

A Better Life: Lesbian Erotica
  • Por Jett White
  • Editor: Publisher s9821

Eva was glad to have a new neighbor and started spending more time with her than with her husband. From the first moment she met Sonya, Eva connected immediately with her until...

The Bean
  • Por Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Ivan Ivanovitch is a frustrated writer. One day he attends the funeral of a casual acquaintance and falls to contemplation in the graveyard. He hears the voices of the recently...

A Defenceless Creature
  • Por Anton Chekhov
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The wife of a former collegiate assessor walks into a bank and demands the missing pay of her dismissed husband. 'I am a weak, defenceless woman', she reasons. She repeats this...

Tales Of Dostoyevsky
  • Por Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Dostoyevsky is the only psychologist from whom I had something to learn', remarked Friedrich Nietzsche. 'He ranks among the most beautiful strokes of fortune in my life'. Discover...

Erotica: Every Night: 14 Short Stories Collection
  • Por Rex Pahel
  • Editor: Rex Pahel

He was relaxed and ready to have a good time and make sure she was in charge. 14 Erotica Stories Collection.Stories:1. Daddy’s Best friend2. A Night with a Bad Boy3....

Going Full Circle ( Swept Away Romance Groom Series )
  • Por Jodie Sloan
  • Editor: Jodie Sloan

Amanda goes into a coma and everything changes for Eddie. Never leaving her bedside once, he decides that he will declare his love for her even if she refuses him. Amanda is also...

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