The Oriented Gesture completes the trilogy of the Method of the Reeducation of Movement, by Brazilian choreographer and corporal educator Ivaldo Bertazzo, comprising the books...
WANT TO LEARN BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE THE EASIEST AND MOST EXCITING WAY POSSIBLE? YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Learning a second language is a great mental exercise if you want to...
Be prepared for any emergency situation with this personalized organizer to help keep you and your family safe no matter what the crisis.With the increase in earthquakes, terrible...
Watch your mouth é um dicionário de vulgarismos, insultos, xingamentos, palavrões e o caramba a quatro, em inglês. Com definições explícitas, o dicionário vai satisfazer a...
Wedding Guide Bundle: 3 in 1 Bundle, Wedding Checklist, Practical Wedding, and Wedding Etiquette. A wedding is one of the most exciting and memorable moments in a couple's life so...
‘In my work as a social scientist, magazine publisher, and book author I have read all the books on happiness since the 1990s, so I was surprised - shocked really -...
In "Mass Psychology and Ego Analysis"Sigmund Freud retrieves the theories of a sociologist of his time named Le Bon. According to Le Bon, the individual gains immense power by...
“Rhymes to Count On” is a great story to teach young learners counting from 1-20. Filled with 14 nursery rhymes and classic songs, including: “One, Two Buckle My Shoe,”...
“In this hilarious, uplifting memoir, Wolfe describes her intense bond with she grapples with the chaos of her 20s, marriage, and eventually new...
What’s missing in your stepfamily?If you’re in a stepfamily, you may feel as if something is missing. You can’t put it into words yet, but you know it’s a problem. Maybe...