A gripping saga of race and retribution in the Deep South and a story whose haunting details echo the themes of To Kill a MockingbirdIn 1945, Willie McGee, a young...
In Bloody Crimes, James L. Swanson—the Edgar® Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of Manhunt—brings to life two epic events of the Civil War era: the...
In this book, Luiz Walter Coelho Filho contextualizes the planned city of Salvador by situating it in time and space, and analyzes its design, urban plan, and purpose, presenting...
“Who knew that such a tiny bottle housed so many secrets?” —Michael Tonello, author of Bringing Home the BirkinTilar J. Mazzeo, author of the New York Times...
Do you want to listen to The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius? If so then keep reading…The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius is a series of writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor...
On November 5, 1942, a U.S. cargo plane slammed into the Greenland ice cap. Four days later, a B-17 on the search-and-rescue mission also crashed. Miraculously, all nine men on...
The brilliance of the Renaissance laid the foundation of the modern world. Textbooks tell us that it came about as a result of a rediscovery of the ideas and ideals of classical...
A lively, immersive history by an award-winning urbanist of New York City’s transformation, and the lessons it offers for the city’s future.Dangerous, filthy, and...
Best Stories of the 1914 European War. This is a compilation of short anecdotes that cover World War I, told by soldiers who fought and other contemporaries who weren’t in...
"This is the best one-volume history of the American Civil War I've ever read." - Bernard DeVoto