Two brothers take a look at common myths and misconceptions, and then humorously and factually debunk them.
Examining current events via in-depth conversations with engineering faculty and students at Iowa State University.
It's painful when you cannot stop overeating, you feel bad about yourself, your body and your life.Each Monday, join Kim McLaughlin, as she helps you have peace with food and feed...
In this series of short interviews we look at what Geographers do, the broad diversity of the subject, and its relevance today.
Every week i take a glaceir beat around the bush for 5 mins then give it marks out of ten. I will keep a leader to see wich goes top.
A podcast following a 3-day experience filled with fascinating talks and workshops to harvest knowledge and nurture the planet.
A community that will allow us to learn from each other, with each other, and heal each other through sharing our story, truth, and providing an open door for Q& A. We are...