Vote Yes On Dragon Control
  • Por George Saoulidis
  • Editor: Mythography Studios

Will you vote 'Yes' for dragon control? Sign the petition, please.A short story.

Old Hungarian Fairy Tales
  • Por Baroness Emmuska Orczy
  • Editor: Classica Libris

Old Hungarian Fairy Tales are edited and translated from the Hungarian by Baroness Orczy.

Doctor Dolittle's Post Office
  • Por Hugh Lofting
  • Editor: Classica Libris

Doctor Dolittle’s Post Office is the third of Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle series.Set on the West Coast of Africa, the book follows the episodic format of most other...

Doctor Dolittle's Circus
  • Por Hugh Lofting
  • Editor: Classica Libris

Doctor Dolittle’s Circus is the fourth of Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle series.In Doctor Dolittle’s Circus the doctor needs money to pay off a voyage to Africa,...

Doctor Dolittle’s Return
  • Por Hugh Lofting
  • Editor: Classica Libris

The Dolittle household have been anxiously hoping for a year for the Doctor to return from the Moon, and it seems he will never come. What excitement when he does finally arrive,...

The Little Match Girl
  • Por Hans christian Andersen
  • Editor: Ali RIbelli Edizioni

The Little Match Girl is a short story by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen. The story, about a dying child's dreams and hope, sheds light on the...

The Voyages Of Doctor Dolittle
  • Por Hugh Lofting
  • Editor: Classica Libris

The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle is the second of Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle series.Doctor Dolittle meets Tommy Stubbins, the young son of the local cobbler, who becomes...

The Elves And The Shoemaker
  • Por The Brothers Grimm
  • Editor: Ali RIbelli Edizioni

The original story of "The Elves and the Shoemaker" by the Brothers Grimm in a masterfully made digital layout. Another Christmas Classic by Ali Ribelli Edizioni.

The Other Dance Step
  • Por Caio Riter
  • Editor: Artes e Ofícios Editora

Ana, Bernardo e Celina são adolescentes. Amigos desde a infância, o trio A-Bê-Cê não se separa jamais. Desde pequenos, andam sempre juntos, e juntos vivem as experiências...

Stop Drinking Alcohol: Learn How To Recover From Alcohol Addiction Using Quick And Easy Strategies
  • Por Andrea Gasper
  • Duración: 2:00:53
  • Narrador: Susan Piper
  • Editor: Author's Republic

Have you been wishing to stop drinking alcohol for the longest time, have probably tried to drink one last bottle countless times, made commitments to loved ones to stop drinking,...

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