“A dark and enchanting tale.” —Bustle “Fiercely written and beautifully feminist.” —Lisa Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author of The Last...
In this young adult fairy tale retelling by Melanie Dickerson, a woman arrives in Hagenheim claiming the young woman betrothed to the duke’s son, Valten, is still alive. With...
The sixth book of Bill Myers’ Forbidden Doors series focuses on Becka Williams’ friend Krissi, who opens her life up to the occult when she dabbles in automatic handwriting....
In The Undead, book eight of Bill Myers’ Forbidden Doors series, Becka Williams and her boyfriend, Ryan Riordan, are sent to Transylvania and the set of a vampire movie, where...
In The Cards, the last book of Bill Myers’ Forbidden Doors series, Becka and Scott Williams’ friend Philip becomes entangled in the world of tarot and deceit when he goes...
The mysteries unfold As a Starlighter, Koren knows her destiny is to save her fellow human slaves from the dragons’ bondage—but by following the orders of the...
Warrior, the second book in bestselling author Bryan Davis’s Dragons of Starlight series, now available in audio. Jason and Koren travel to the mysterious Northlands to find...
Liberator, the final Dragons of Starlight volume, is now available in audio. With an invasion by human forces looming, Jason, Koren, and Elyssa must warn the soldiers that the...
Bryan Davis’s bestselling Starlighter is now available in audio. Human and dragon worlds collide when Jason Masters enters the dragon planet and meets Koren, a descendant of...
How do you go back to a life you can’t remember? Find out in this sixth novel in the New York Times bestselling Program series from Suzanne Young.Every cure has a cost....