Discover a new middle grade series full of madcap adventure, mythological creatures, humor, and heart. The world's unlikeliest hero is also its only hope in this spirited...
Inspired by the works of Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen, Garth Nix's Newt's Emerald is a Regency romance with a fantasy twist. New York Times bestselling author Gail...
You hold in your hands a very creepy chronicle. I have solved countless clues and numerous riddles, all to bring you the answers you seek regarding case number 13. Now, in this...
They say a witch lives in the old house under the bridge. . . . What the residents of Willow's End don't know is that there are two witches living in the crumbling old house...
Watch out, Stanley!Ouch! Stanley accidentally caused twin acrobats Yin and Yang to take a tumble, right before their Chinese New Year show. Yang's foot is broken—but...
Fancy Nancy takes a class trip to the aquarium and enjoys all the incredible sea creatures—that is, until she comes to the jellyfish exhibit! With the help of her friends...
I wish there was only today, just right now, and no forever.It seems fitting that I fell in love in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. And if I pretend, I can almost...
When a four-inch-tall alien crash-lands through Zack McGee's bedroom window, Zack is sure he's about to become the first victim in a new War of the Worlds. But when the...
Before America Singer was chosen to compete in the Selection . . . She was in love with a Six named Aspen Leger . . . And there was another girl in Prince Maxon's life.Step...
There's a new word in Miss Bird's dance class and it's spelled J-A-Z-Z!Mia can't wait to learn a whole new set of steps to a brand-new beat! For jazz dance, Mia...