My Weird School weirder than ever!Principal Klutz thinks the kids at Ella Mentry School need to learn some self-defense moves.But the guy he hired—Mr. Jack—thinks...
Panic began as so many things do in Carp, a poor town of twelve thousand people in the middle of nowhere: because it was summer, and there was nothing else to do.Heather never...
Pinkalicious loves the beach, especially when she finds a miniature mermaid named Aqua tucked inside a shell! Pinkalicious and her brother, Peter, promise to help Aqua the...
You couldn’t really tell about Mama’s brain just from looking at her, but it was obvious as soon as she spoke. She had a high voice, like a little girl’s, and...
Elizabeth's power grows stronger by the day, and the clouds over Captive's Sound grow darker. And soon a terrible flood will drown everything and everyone in its path.In order to...
"What you need to do," Kevin said, "is publish a book called Rules for Every Thing.""If I publish a book," Duke said, "I'm going to call it Handbook for Boys."Growing up is...
From the Files of the Platypus Police SquadCase #1138Detectives of record: Rick Zengo and Corey O'MalleyCase brief: A local schoolteacher is missing, and the only thing...
Special delivery: Danger!When Stanley's mother needs the secret ingredient for a special recipe, Stanley mails himself to Mexico to track down its mysterious maker. But when a...
Narnia ... where horses talk ... where treachery is brewing ... where destiny awaits.On a desperate journey, two runaways meet and join forces. Though they are only looking to...
My Weird School SpecialLife Is Weird!The weirdest Valentine's Day story in the history of the world!Plus 32 pages of bonus content!Professor A.J.'s Valentine...