Don Juan
  • Por George Byron
  • Editor: StreetLib

Don Juan is a satiric poem by Lord Byron, based on the legend of Don Juan. The story, told in seventeen cantos, begins with the birth of Don Juan. As a young man he is precocious...

My Fascinating Friend
  • Por William Archer
  • Editor: StreetLib

William Archer (23 September 1856 – 27 December 1924) was a Scottish critic and writer.

At The Back Of The North Wind
  • Por Gerorge Macdonald
  • Editor: StreetLib

At the Back of the North Wind is a children's book by George MacDonald. It was serialized in the children's magazine Good Words for the Young beginning in 1868 and was...

  • Por Robert von Ranke Graves
  • Editor:

The poems in this volume cover a period of three years, beginning at the New Year of 1920, except for the rhymes “Henry and Mary,” “What did I dream?” and...

Divine Comedy, Longfellow's Translation, Complete
  • Por Dante Alighieri
  • Editor:

Inferno, Italian for "Hell") is the first part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso....

The Second Book Of Modern Verse / A Selection From The Work Of Contemporaneous American Poets
  • Por Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
  • Editor:

A Selection from the Work of Contemporaneous American PoetsThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization...

Hidden Poetry
  • Por César Augusto Rivera Apéstegui
  • Editor: piponerio

In summer days I was inspired to create these beautiful vers that I dedicate to you.

Love Songs
  • Por Sara Teasdale
  • Editor:

1928. Teasdale's work has always been characterized by its simplicity and clarity, her use of classical forms, and her passionate and romantic subject matter. In 1918, she won...

New Hampshire And Other Poems
  • Por Robert Frost
  • Editor: Enrico Conti

"New Hampshire" is a poem written by Rober Frost and published in 1923. With this work, the Californian writer won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.His works are mainly...

The Complete Works Of Brann, The Iconoclast — Volume 01
  • Por William Cowper Brann
  • Editor:

In putting into permanent form the complete works of William Cowper Brann, twenty-one years after his death, the sole purpose of the present publishers is to preserve in its...

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