Hebrews - Complete Bible Commentary Verse By Verse
  • Por Matthew Henry
  • Editor: Bible Study Books

This is another volume in the series of Bible Commentaries of Matthew Henry.In this Volume, the entire text of the Hebrews is commented with notes of each chapter.This Commentary...

Disagreements In Christian Life
  • Por Greg Gordon
  • Duración: 1:29:46
  • Narrador: Dave Wright
  • Editor: Author's Republic

“If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” - Galatians 5:15 It is unbelievable to see how even believers can disagree. One side...

Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
  • Por Chuck Missler
  • Duración: 15:31:39
  • Narrador: Chuck Missler
  • Editor: Author's Republic

It may come as a surprise to discover that there are a number of Biblical experts who regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible! The Book of Leviticus...

Behold A White Horse: The Coming World Leader
  • Por Chuck Missler
  • Duración: 2:13:16
  • Narrador: Chuck Missler
  • Editor: Author's Republic

The final world dictator seeking global domination will also be an “Assyrian” who is here characterized by a bow, riding a white horse. It is interesting how many confuse this...

The Desire Of Ages
  • Por Ellen G. White
  • Duración: 29:23:43
  • Narrador: Natalie Muse
  • Editor: Author's Republic

Ellen Gould White (1827 – 1915) was a cofounder of what later became known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As one of the five volumes of her “Conflict of the Ages”...

The V Woman: Modern, In The Old - Fashioned Way
  • Por Cristiane Cardoso
  • Editor: Unipro

Hollywood. Women's magazines. Advice from friends.Disney movies. Lady Gaga. If there was a pill for amnesia,this book would come with a free dose.The modern woman is out of...

In The Footsteps Of Jesus
  • Por Edir Macedo
  • Editor: Unipro

How can we find the way? Since the world began people have always looked for a way out of their problems - often without success. Many have claimed they have the 'solution' to all...

The Holy Spirit
  • Por Edir Macedo
  • Editor: Unipro

Though some of the most basic elements of nature are used to describe the Holy Spirit (fire, water, wind), He still remains a mystery to many. Jesus said, 'You shall receive power...

Chosen For The Altar: A Manual For The Future Pastor's Wife
  • Por Tania Rubim
  • Editor: Unipro

She's always at her husband's side. Even though she is the centre of attention. The details about her life and the position she holds are always a source of curiosity. But what...

Our Bread For 365 Days
  • Por Edir Macedo
  • Editor: Unipro

Do you often feel lost, tired, overwhelmed, anxious and discouraged? Do you need strength and direction to continue your journey? Would you like to find the source of courage for...

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