A Devotional That Dudes Will Actually Read!Is there a connection between hairiness and holiness? Some would say a hearty “Yes!” In fact, the world is in the middle of...
A watershed moment is a turning point in our lives brought on by circumstances which stop us in our tracks. It is defined as a critical turning point. A moment when everything...
It’s never too late to be a better father.Jim Daly, president and CEO of Focus on the Family, is an expert in fatherhood—in part because his own "fathers" failed him so badly....
The development of meaningful relationships, where every member carries a significant sense of belonging, is central to what it means to be the church. So why do many Christians...
When do you get time for you? Remember when you had a life of your own? The hectic job of being a mom is fraught with sacrifices, fears, and uncertainties. But nothing offers...
Students of biblical Greek will learn all New Testament Greek vocabulary words that occur ten times or more in the New Testament by interacting with this audio product. Jonathan...
This is without question Anne Graham Lotz’s finest work. Her faith and wisdom both shine from the pages. … I am astonished by how powerful these words are, and humbled by the...
Women are the caretakers of the world. Yet global HIV and AIDS and extreme poverty can seem overwhelming. Even if these things break our mother’s hearts, how is a busy,...
The One Thousand Gifts Devotional includes sixty devotions inspired by the New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Each devotion has a daily Scripture and...
Rick Warren’s bestselling book, The Purpose Driven® Life, described God’s five purposes for every Christian. Now Erik Rees helps you discover God’s unique purpose for your...