You have a story, a song, or a message that the world needs to hear. But if you are denied the opportunity to share your gift, your light will not shine as bright as God...
The Books of 1Enoch and Jubilees are by far the two most common extra-biblical texts discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. That alone is reason enough to study them with great...
Awe Joy Giving and receiving loveSpiritual connection Deep inner peace Feeling thankful for blessings— These are ordinary or everyday spiritual experiences. This audiobook...
In this uplifting and practical book, written in collaboration with his biographer, Austen Ivereigh, the preeminent spiritual leader explains why we...
As Millennials and Generation Z (1980-2012) begin taking leadership roles in our churches, communities and organizations, they face unique challenges. A cultural context informed...
The modern world portrays Jesus in many ways for many reasons. Some are well-intentioned but misguided, others are aberrations, still others have some but not all the essential...
When did Satan fall?We know that the angels were created prior to the Earth. We find Satan had already fallen in Genesis 3. The mystery is, when did he fall? It appears that there...
What Happens When You Die?We don't like to think about death. It's not a pleasant subject, and we avoid even discussing it seriously or giving it any diligent study. Yet our...
What does the Bible say about “wars”? How can the classic literature of centuries ago impact today's (and tomorrow’s) tactics and strategies? Which technologies...
Dive into the lives of more than twenty of the Bible's most compelling characters through inspirational selections from the writings of bestselling author Max Lucado. An ideal...