

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." ~Dalai Lama Kindness is a habit (and trait) that is learnable and strengthened with practice. In Season 5, episode 50 the "Kindness" topic was previously explored. In this episode, MG expounds on the subject, citing his experience tracking "TKT" ("The Kind Thing"), a habit he's had fun working on. MG gives credit for the idea to a fellow entrepreneur who decided to start tracking his "kindness" habit in a goals accountability group. Using The Habit Factor app, Martin code-named "The Kind Thing" as "TKT" and suggests that tracking acts of "kindness" is up there with the other "pro tips" like tracking at least one diet and one exercise habit, regardless of the overarching goal. You're encouraged to give "TKT" a try and add it to your habit tracking. Not only is "TKT" likely to make you feel better about yourself but it's likely to foster a habit which will serve you for a lifetime. Enjoy the episode! How much do you really know about habits and goals? Check ou