

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything." ~Dwight D. Eisenhower Today's episode continues the New Year mini-series, PLANNING! What does Eisenhower mean when he says, "Plans are worthless"? Well, in and of themselves, plans don't do anything— it's PEOPLE who put plans into action. Thus, Eisenhower's powerful observation underscores the importance of executing and following through on our plans. Brian Tracy has said that for every one minute of planning we gain 10 minutes in effectiveness and productivity. The reality is it doesn't matter if it's two minutes or one-hundred minutes, the key is to take the time to plan. Make time now to begin planning as it relates to your most important goals for the new year. Have you taken the time to plan yet? Our New Year mini-series has covered a lot of ground: 1) Compiling mini-victories 2) Recognizing that you are the programmer 3) Getting your mental game in order by mitigating doubt and committing to tracking your habits 4) Clarity and now, 5) Planning! Set asi