

“Your doubt about yourself and goal achievement is just a bullsh*t story you've bought into."  Today's episode continues our New Year mini-series, DO NOT PASS GO!, which simply means; It makes little sense to consume more info (podcasts, books, etc) and/or waste more energy and time pursing your goals and ideals if you cannot address these two important mindsets/questions in the affirmative: 1) Are you willing to track your habits? 2) Are you willing to suspend your doubts about your ability to achieve your most important goals and to simply trust THIS process? Doubting oneself is a natural phenomena. What's mildly astonishing is once people discover The Habit Factor® AND they realize it is a powerful, valid, helpful and proven method to follow, rather than pursue it, they then begin to doubt themselves. Thus, the important statement in the title of this episode: DO NOT PASS GO! Can you suspend your skepticism, doubt and forget your past failures? Can you commit to tracking your habits, first for 28 days and