

“There is an expiration date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you." ~J. K. Rowling Today's episode continues our New Year series with Responsibility, which simply means; YOU are the programmer. Humans are remarkable achievement machines capable of  extraordinary results but only when the correct program is crafted (coded). To acquire new habits and skills, to forge an improved character, to become something different, we must write the program. Nobody else is going to write our program. The responsibility lies with us. The program we write, the habits we create is what creates the life we ultimately live. For many, their habits are crafted by default rather than by design. Others, who understand that The Habit Factor®—the force of habit— is always at work, intentionally craft the habits that will serve their ideals and goals. They program the code (habits) with intention, practice and deliberation. All gr