

"To go far you must begin near, and the nearest step is the most important one."  ~Jiddu Krishnamurti One of the reasons it's called, The Habit Factor® is because the habits we perform most often, powerfully compound over time. Where you are right now, is the result of your habits compounding. Nobody becomes rich or fat overnight. (lottery aside) Small actions compounded (over time) reveal massive results (positive or negative)  (excerpt, The Habit Factor® 2010) Today's episode is a classic reset for The Habit Factor and we're gonna add the explicit tag just in case; "What are the habits that really freakin' matter in our life? Give that question some thought and the best answer can only be; the habits you perform the most. So, what are they? MG runs through a wide array of habits beginning with our breathing. Breathing, he points out, only influences everything. Then there is your THINKING. And, categorically, our thinking about important aspects within our life, ourselves, our self-concept, others and even