

"What he wanted most of all was a large waste basket to which he could consign all his false starts and mistakes." ~Walter Isaacson (Einstein: The Man, the Genius and the Theory of Relativity) How big is your wastebasket? How many false starts and mistakes do you create on any given day? [Excerpt] When shown his corner office at the institute (Princeton) Einstein was asked to indicate what he may need in the way of equipment, his requirements were not onerous, just a bit of office furniture and some stationary. What he wanted most of all was a large waste basket to which he could consign all his false starts and mistakes." Imagine being asked about your new office requirements and your one requirement is that the waste basket is large enough to handle your false starts and mistakes. Creativity demands activity. Einstein believed imagination was more important than knowledge because imagination is about the future and knowledge represents the past. We can all stand to learn from his example and embrace mistake