

"Habit is the most imperious of all masters.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe On this in-between-seasons ("tweener") Mind Bullet episode we examine a subject we've touched on but never fully explored: self-mastery. Self-mastery is simply the ability to take control of your life without being blown off course. Your body is the servant and not your master.  Self-mastery ties into the idea of challenge and change, a subject we've explored in depth. It's time to check the self-mastery meter and see how you're doing. MG discusses how a short fast tested and challenged his personal self-mastery, leading to insights about just how in control we are over our impulses. Self-mastery doesn't have to be about fasting or even food. Analyze your spectrum of behaviors, for example, spending vs. saving money, time spent on social media, playing online games etc. The key idea is to find ways in which you can test your own self-mastery and thereby develop self-discipline. Listen in for more on self-mastery, how it ties into the in