

"What could you be doing if you were operating at your full potential? If you're not, it's going to show up in your business and relationships.” ~Luke DePron As 2019 draws to a close and we're poised to welcome a new year, it's a great time to present this inspiring and insightful conversation with fitness and lifestyle coach Luke DePron, who's also the host of the Live Great Lifestyle podcast and an in-demand speaker.  Luke DePron grew up in the Midwest and followed his passion for fitness and health, earning a degree in exercise science and kinesiology. He wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and found a niche working with entrepreneurs and busy professionals, helping them achieve and maintain their health and fitness—matching their personal success to their business success. Luke passionately believes that real health and vibrancy is our natural state, and this level of energy and fitness is attainable for all. Listen in to hear more about Luke's mission to inspire others to get out of their