

"When your personal emergency brake is on, you're not going to go as fast, as far, or as efficiently as you should.”  On today's episode, we greet the week with a powerful Mind Bullett: Find your e-brake.  If the emergency brake is on when you drive your car, the vehicle will feel slow and sluggish, held back by some unseen force. When you realize it's the emergency brake and release it, your car surges forward at full power. This is a great metaphor for when you're trying to make a change in your life and move forward in the right direction. Sometimes you have your goal in mind and you're working to align your habits with that goal, but something is out of whack—something is out of alignment and holding you back. When your personal emergency brake is on, you're not going to go as fast, as far, or as efficiently as you could. You can be doing so many things right, but one bad habit could be stuck in the process and stalling your progress. Maybe it's drinking too much, or smoking, or holding on to anger. Whate