

"If everything is energy—and it is—what do you think happens when you flap your gums?"  Today's Mind Bullet is a bit brutal but necessary: Shut Your Freaking Mouth! In other words, silence.  We talked about this idea in a blog post called "Shut Your Pie Hole," discussing oversharing as a personal development hurdle, and it is eloquently explained in this TED Talk: Derek Sivers, Keep Your Goals to Yourself. This MBM was sparked by a Facebook post by someone who continually complains. When good things happen, such as finally getting a new job, there's yet more griping and rambling about downsides, even on day one.  Their story is on repeat; it's habitual complaining. Where's the gratitude? Where's the personal responsibility? So shut up!  It's not just about constant complainers. We lose focus and dissipate our energy every time we mindlessly overshare, especially when it comes to goals.  Sometimes it seems like everyone needs to tweet or express publicly whatever sound bite is in their head. Keeping quiet and