

"Catch People Doing Things Right." ~ Ken Blanchard   Today's Mind-Bullet Monday is based on Ken Blanchard's brilliant book on positive relationships, Whale Done! As a leader/parent/partner, how do you get people to do what you want/need them to do? More importantly, how do you get YOURSELF to do what needs to be done? In Whale Done, Ken shares how it's crucial to catch people doing something right ("Whale Done!) instead of catching them doing something wrong (Gotcha!). Think about it: Trainers have somehow convinced 5-ton whales to leap out over the water and jump over a rope. How is that possible? Turns out the trick the whale trainers use is to simply begin with the rope underwater! Then, over time, slowly and incrementally they increase the rope's height all while offering intense praise and rewards— accentuating the positive! MG asserts that if this is the process to get a 5-ton whale to jump out of the water... how can it not work with other people— even difficult people and most importantly, ourselves —
