

Today's FAF (Frequently Asked Friday): "How can I feel less overwhelmed?" In this crazy world of stimulus, demand, distraction and stress, too many of us are living a diminished quality of life by simple being overwhelmed. MG addresses this question from a few different angles, but the main bullet point is this: If at any point we feel overwhelmed, it simply means we don't know what our Number One Priority is. Think of a Days of Our Lives-style timer with sands flowing through an hourglass: No matter how much sand there is, only one grain can flow through at a time. So how can you learn to diminish your overwhelm and free your mind along with your time? 1. Prioritize: Your first step is to make a list and identify your top priority -- multitasking only leads to more overwhelm. 2. Lose Your Habit Shackles: Next, understand that HABIT is at play. If you are feeling overwhelmed, know that you are bound by your habits. Your habits should be serving you! Here's a great quote (look for it as a future Mind Bullet Mo