

"I don't think it's about finding purpose... it's about taking what you're already doing and putting purpose into it." ~Jairek Robbins LEARN IT. LIVE IT. GIVE IT. That's Jairek's motto and mission and few people on the planet are as well versed on personal development as Jairek Robbins. And, the best part may be that Jairek is a consummate student who actively studies and, more importantly, practices what he preaches. In this entertaining interview, made more so by an amazing technical error at the most inopportune time (not edited out) Jairek and Martin roll through his many experiences including his education at USD (a semester at sea) and then a semester off to volunteer and serve in Africa. The experiences led to many great stories and insights about joy, happiness and purpose— to name a few. Jairek shares these stories and a near death experience that greatly influenced the course of his life. Finally, JR shares some wonderful tech tools (apps) and books that continue to provide value to his life and tho