

"Once again, the answer reveals itself to be BOTH... we must not take life too seriously AND we must take it very seriously." ~Grunburg Often we'll hear, "he/she takes life too seriously." Sure, there are many times that can be a real problem. After all, "nobody gets out alive" right? At the same time, it's important to recognize that real success isn't an accident and that those who "arrive" in life, so to speak, know exactly what it is they want and are clear about where they are going. To put it simply, they are serious— they become very intentional and believe they can influence the direction of their life. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it this way, "The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going." In this episode Martin reaffirms this crucial idea: ONLY you know what it is you want and in order to get it you must become very responsible and intentional about its achievement. MG shares this great reminder his own pursuit of a personal (health) goal and what exactly he believes makes all the differe