Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #9, The Mastery Mindset)



"Be like water..." ~Bruce Lee [STEP #9, MASTERY, in this BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #9 =  The Mastery Mindset! Step #1: Decide Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm Step #6: GOALS! Step #7: HABIT! HABIT! HABIT! Step #8: HabitStrength™ When you think about the concept of "mastery" what comes to mind? Martin begins this show reviewing that invariably, after you go through each of the first 8 steps, you will come upon OBSTACLES. It's the true Master who regards obstacles as simply opportunities in disguise. Recall, that there are three great constants in life; change, choice and principles. Therefore the idea of mastery as a destination— an arrival point— can only be an illusion. If change is a constant, and it is, the idea of perpetual learning to become a "master" is essential. In this episode Martin recaps the very traits essential to the Mastery Mindset and even takes h