Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #7) HABIT! HABIT! HABIT! ; )



"Cosmic Habit Force is the greatest of all natural laws. It is Nature's comptroller through which all other natural laws are coordinated.” ~Napoleon Hill [STEP #7,  (week #7) in the BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #7 =  HABIT! (Cosmic Habit Force, Habit Alignment & P.A.R.R.) Step #1: Decide Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm Step #6: GOALS! And, now we delve into... HABIT! HABIT. HABIT. HABIT. It's worthwhile to keep in mind that when The Habit Factor® was first  introduced, habit was an afterthought if any thought at all when it came to goal achievement. This was primarily due to its negative connotation, "smoking, drinking, drugs," etc. Even in what is regarded as one of the best self-help books of all time, Think & Grow Rich, habit, as a force for goal achievement was NOT identified, not as a specific process to develop and align habits to one's goals. In fact,