

"There is nothing in a catapiller that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." ~Buckminster Fuller [Note: *Apologies* The sound quality at times is compromised in this episode. Henry had to use his cell phone and there a a few moments (briefly) where  background noise interferes. Thanks for your patience and understanding.*] "Habit is a cobweb at first and a cable at last." ~Spanish Proverb Martin and Henry get after this one on the heels of a keynote presentation Martin recently did for IREM (institute for real estate management). He talks to Henry about how he inserted these same "two themes" at the front of the presentation because they applied so well to the REstart graduates who were being honored at the luncheon. MG then discusses this powerful idea of transformation (preferring the term, "Metamorphosis") and our individual capacity to turn virtually any weakness into a strength using the force of habit. Today it's popular in the personal development world to "ignore your weakness and just focus on you