

“I presented this idea to the executives at Capitol Records and they kinda just laughed me out of the building...” ~Evan Saxon After a funny and bizarre episode open... where Martin says, “I’m not even going to edit that!” the two settle in and get to the business at hand. Evan shares his bumpy early academic career bouncing between junior colleges and SDSU / Northridge Universities. Ultimately, Evan drops out, as he puts it, "the pursuit of a career got in the way of my pursuit of a degree."
 Consumed by his passion for music and the music industry, Evan got his lucky break starting out as an intern at IRS Records. Then he moved into the marketing division of Capitol Records where he was offered a paid position. "I loved it! I didn't care what time I had to get up or how late I had to work. I was having a great time!"

 Years later, a bit disillusioned by what he saw in multiple executive meetings — fighting the status quo “losing control vs. taking control” as Evan puts it, he realized it was time to move