

"Anything other than a win/win is, ultimately, a lose/lose." ~Dr. Stephen Covey Quick question: Are you really a "big-pie" person or are you concerned that if someone takes a piece of the pie there won't be anything left for you? Which are you? BIG PIE or SMALL PIE? MG and HE get right to business and discuss this massive mental shift. Martin confesses that growing up with a very competitive mindset his early entrepreneurial struggles were exacerbated by thinking to win someone else had to lose. "One of the key lessons for me", Martin shares, "Is this idea of big pie vs small pie mentality and how there could, and should be multiple winners." The idea Covey shared changed how I negotiated and treated everyone; employees, vendors and customers etc. Henry comments that in the movie "Wall Street" Gecko's claim that "It's a zero-sum game: somebody wins, somebody loses." is just plan wrong! They talk about all the examples of businesses and owners who've given away ownership and stock within their companies to f